
Uniqlo Japan 'Branches Out' To Paris

Here are some screen shots of some Japanese Uniqlo models totally 'branching out' to Paris:

Japanese Uniqlo Model

Japanese Uniqlo Models


Japan's Adult Toys Robot Nation

Via Current TV

Here is a really interesting documentary short film (100% Safe For Work - SFW) on how Japan continues to develop robot technology (i.e. "adult toys"), improve masturbation devices, ban immigration, and exacerbate the rapid decline of its own birth rate - all of which, combined, may ultimately decimate the entire Japanese population:

japan adult toys robot nation current tv


Funny Japanese TV Commercials for Softbank

Here are some funny Japanese TV commercials for Softbank. They're all in Japanese only with no English subtitles, but basically the dog is the "father" who, of course, is one of the most important members of any family. And, with Japan's current "dog boom" still showing no end in sight, the comic premise of these commercials includes a satirical stab at many Japanese dog owners who, believe it or not, consider canines as 'humans' and that dogs are more important than children: