This blog offers selected features of alternative Asian TV segments, news stories, editorials, photos and more from Japan, Korea, India, China and many other Asian countries. This blog also includes some WTF Japanese, North Korean online videos, entertainment news, beautiful Chinese and Japanese models, and much more.
China's Forever Alone Toy Robots
Just released yesterday by Lawrence Chen Films, here is a very cute and somewhat sad short film entitled "Made in China." This mini movie depicts the birth, onset of self awareness, forever alone lifestyle and the ultimate Entombment of a Machine. Check it out:
"Made in China" was created by the following film crew:
Director and DP: Lawrence Chen
Writers: Lawrence Chen and Hagan Wong
Producer: Tiffany Shi
1st AD and AC: Eddie Chen
Operators: Eddie Chen and Michael Chang
Production Coordinator: Michael Chang
Editors: Lawrence Chen and Hagan Wong
Music: Ryan King
See also:
Liu Bolin: China's #1 'Forever Alone' Artist
Coming Soon: Attack of The Japanese Baby Robots!
Mayu of Cutie Pai by Julie Watai
Just released today here is another amazing Julie Watai photo of Mayu from the anime music/techno pop idol group Cutie Pai. Julie Watai is an active member of the Cutie Pai unit under the name of "Eye Taso" or 「あいタソ」.
Here is Cutie Pai's winning performance of "Music Rendezvous" ミュージック・ランデヴー on the popular Japanese TV Show "Idol Heaven Tournament Nuki Ten" 勝ち抜き!アイドル天国!!ヌキ天:
Be sure to pick up a Cutie Pai CD on Amazon!
Iiniku Ushijima Photo by Julie Watai
New Julie Watai Self Portrait
Tibetan Jamphel Yeshi Self Immolates in India
Via Huffington Post 03/26/2012
Yesterday in New Dehli, India 26-year-old Tibetan exile Jamphel Yeshi self immolated and ran screaming for about 50 yards as a protest against the Chinese government and President Hu Jintao's upcoming visit to India. After Yeshi collapsed, other anti-China protesters put out the fire with Tibetan flags and water. He was taken to a hospital and is now in critical condition with burns over 98% of his body. Since 2009, there have been 30 similar types of self immolation protests in Tibet and Beijing. Below is a shocking NSFW/NSFL video of this incident:
Jamphel Yeshi runs screaming after he was engulfed in flames by his self immolation protest yesterday March 26, 2012 in India.
UPDATE: In Death, Jamphel Yeshi Has Become the Face of Tibetan Dissent 3-28-12
Jamphel Yeshi, a Tibetan exile who set himself on fire to protest Chinese rule, died from his burns in New Delhi on Wednesday--and has now become the symbol and a martyr for Tibetan suffering. "In the early evening, more than 200 people walked through the town center waving Tibetan flags and carrying banners that proclaimed Jamphel Yeshi, who died on Wednesday, a martyr," reports The New York Times' Edward Wong in Dharamasala, India. Continued...See also: Makoto Wada Anti Nuclear Poster