Several years ago in Japan, the Japanese government created the infamous Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC). And then the PNC pricks put their shrunken heads together and dreamed up a campaign to promote the Japanese nuclear power industry and show to the Japanese public that plutonium is actually your "friend" and is nothing to really worry about. In this effort they developed a cute little animated character known as Pluto-kun Your Plutonium Friend!:
This character was included in several Japanese TV spots and quickly caught the attention and harsh criticism from world-wide press and プルト君 (Puruto-kun) disappeared overnight. But now, believe it or not, the Japanese nuke pukes have advanced their twisted, WTF pro-plutonium agenda and instead of employing a cute cartoon character they now employ real Japanese "scientists" who basically state that Plutonium is not so dangerous:
Someone really should save Japan from the Japanese government. ಠ_ಠ
This blog offers selected features of alternative Asian TV segments, news stories, editorials, photos and more from Japan, Korea, India, China and many other Asian countries. This blog also includes some WTF Japanese, North Korean online videos, entertainment news, beautiful Chinese and Japanese models, and much more.
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