One day a couple years ago, I was clowning around on Bowienet, and as usual, I got a little carried away and then, literally, BLOWN AWAY when I received the below collage as a response from the well-known artist Rex Ray:
And I don't know what it all means "FU", "ForU", "FapU" or whatever, but to be so noted by one of the world's greatest contemporary fine artists, is indeed, quite an honor. Nevertheless, I plan on creating some kind of artistic response soon. So stay tuned!
Anyway, just a couple of days ago, Mr. Ray unveiled a truly stunning new series of paintings entitled "Rex Ray Clowns":
Up until now, this highly acclaimed artist has mostly been known for his prolific fine art work in collage, graphic design, interior design, commercial art and popular entertainment media.
However, this new series marks a significant development in Ray's stellar career and presents a whole new remarkable side of the artist's true talent and incredible vision. What makes this recent launch so appealing is Ray's photorealistic style of painting or Trompe-l'œil which, essentially, brings these cartoon character portraits to life in a kind of surreal "Disneyesque" manner.
At first look, with all of the clowns clustered together on his new Ha Ha Said The Clowns site, some early reviews have said that this new set is "scary" or "evil" in a positive way of course. And, obviously, some of the paintings do depict such human emotions and personifications.
However looking closer at each individual portrait, it is clearly seen that these oils encapsulate many other human expressions of sadness, happiness, silliness, and love. In a very clever style that is not unlike life itself, Ray presents all of these emotions through the use of prominent smiling faces in these caricatures, thus giving us an even higher level of perspective into his true artistic genius.
To read more news about Rex Ray, please visit his official website.
This blog offers selected features of alternative Asian TV segments, news stories, editorials, photos and more from Japan, Korea, India, China and many other Asian countries. This blog also includes some WTF Japanese, North Korean online videos, entertainment news, beautiful Chinese and Japanese models, and much more.
WTF Chinese Pedobear Sex Ed Nursery School
In today's WTF China Daily News, it has been reported that many people in Beijing, Shanghai and other Chinese cities have become quite concerned about a small privately run nursery school named "Readers" located in Zhengzhou. This small school has recently introduced a new kind of sex education class with "live versions of dolls" or toy dolls which include complete replicas of human reproductive organs.
On Saturday, September 3rd the below news video was broadcast on China's CNS TV:
The owner of the school claims that most of their sex education classes are "custom made, and others from some of the children's parents."
Also China's Ten Cent News , a subsidiary of Japan's 3Yen Daily News Organization, recently reported the following dialogue heard from within the "Readers"
Hou teacher asked: "So how did you go into the womb of it?"
Girl Momo answer in a show of hands: "father's sperm to find the mother's egg, and then I had planted in the womb!"
"Her answer was right?"
"Well, that is how sperm find the egg it, come join us to do a finger exercise it!"
See also:
Chinese Tentacle Pink Penis Fish
How to Become A Pedobear
New Japanese Bukkake Doll "Aya Aya"
From the land of fake idols and fake bartenders pouring fake drinks with fake ice, very soon from now Daiki Industries ダイキ工業 will be offering an all-new 'fake girlfriend' bukkake doll complete with its very own fake cum!
Yes folks, you read that right as Daiki's upcumming "Toushirou Original Bukkake Figurine" will soon be added to their lineup of corpulentminiature sex dolls adult mini figurines.
This new adult toy is named "Aya Aya" and is very similar to the previously-released figurine named "Aya Alley" pictured right in the blue bikini. However, "Aya Aya" comes with a plastic syringe and a container ofspunk "scary white gel." It's overall height is about seven inches and will go on sale next January for a price of 10,290 yen or about 133 dollars. Below is a NSFW demonstration video of how to play with abuse Aya Aya:
See also: WTF Japanese Milk Commercial #2
Yes folks, you read that right as Daiki's upcumming "Toushirou Original Bukkake Figurine" will soon be added to their lineup of corpulent
This new adult toy is named "Aya Aya" and is very similar to the previously-released figurine named "Aya Alley" pictured right in the blue bikini. However, "Aya Aya" comes with a plastic syringe and a container of
See also: WTF Japanese Milk Commercial #2