
New Japanese Bukkake Doll "Aya Aya"

From the land of fake idols and fake bartenders pouring fake drinks with fake ice, very soon from now Daiki Industries ダイキ工業 will be offering an all-new 'fake girlfriend' bukkake doll complete with its very own fake cum!

Yes folks, you read that right as Daiki's upcumming "Toushirou Original Bukkake Figurine" will soon be added to their lineup of corpulent miniature sex dolls adult mini figurines.

This new adult toy is named "Aya Aya" and is very similar to the previously-released figurine named "Aya Alley" pictured right in the blue bikini. However, "Aya Aya" comes with a plastic syringe and a container of spunk "scary white gel." It's overall height is about seven inches and will go on sale next January for a price of 10,290 yen or about 133 dollars. Below is a NSFW demonstration video of how to play with abuse Aya Aya:

See also: WTF Japanese Milk Commercial #2


  1. *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap*

  2. Dear Japan, WTF? From the whole world.

  3. Japanese men love Figurines: It's real females that are a pain.

    Refer to today's Japan Times: 'Sexlessness' threatens nation's future"

  4. Check out these crazy wack-off commenters...


  5. Thank you for the post up Mr. Taro! ぐはははは!(^▽^) Hilarious comments from your readers, indeed. Also in a somewhat similar way, the US seems to be "heading" in the same direction. Check out this very WTF aerosol spray lube that looks and feels like real cum! which cums by the gallon! «(°__°)»

  6. Is that dishwasher safe?

  7. This is totally not safe for work. Wait, ooohhh no, it does have the word "Japanese" in the title. Sorry.

  8. Um... *FBI OPEN UP*
