Previously, we made some truly astounding "WTF Japan Forever Alone" discoveries including the new only-in-Japan headpiece that projects your emotions
Cats Ears For Communication prototype. We also found the self-comforting, department-store-dummy-shaped forever alone contraption known as a
Communication w/ Yourself Invention. And don't forget the amazing do-it-yourself internet fap machine which can only be described as a
Virtual Web Sex Joystick Butt Plug which just has to be seen to be believed!
However, today we stumbled upon a Japanese company named
Strapya World and it is about to release a "Forever Alone Hand(job) iPhone Case" or
どっきりいたずらカバー(ナミの手) or "Dokkiri Hand Case":
In addition to admitting that this hand case is "crazy", Strapya World also says that two kinds of this creepy case will be available: a woman's size and a
child's size!?!? Well, that may seem to be full of all kind of
WTF Japan but after all, Japan is dubiously noted for being the birthplace of
Pedobear so this really isn't such a big surprise.
The Dokkiri Hand Case is being marketed as warm, soft, and cute. This creepy case also comes with a completely synchronized "vibrator mode" which can make it very useful as a portable Forever Alone Internal Fap Device! ©
For more images check out the below slideshow video by