Apparently Japan's JLeague soccer association is getting somewhat desperate for more herbivorous men to actually "go outside" and at least pretend to become beer guzzling, teriyaki eating carnivorous soccer fans again. Why else would they have Konami produce three (3) videos of some cute Japanese girls engaged in "soccer ball juggling"??? Oh and some genius decided to add a miniature GoPro video camera inside the soccer ball in order to produce some cute and enticing close ups of the soccer girls' body parts (see above ninja shot).
Also Konami is running a Football All Stars 2013 Campaign that, among other things, will be giving away single tickets that will be good for 101 seats at some JLeague games!
Yes that's right! Now all these grass eating men will be able to bring 100 of their best friends to a JLeague soccer game.
Obviously, someone forgot to mention that most modern-day Japanese herbivores actually don't have any friends.
See also:
Japan's Horse Racing Dating Game
Japan's Forever Alone Virtual Girlfriend Dating
Japan's Play-With-Yourself Toilet Game