
Beautiful Asian Women Video 2009

Here is a video of many very beautiful Asian women from all over Asia. It's only nine and a half minutes, but I could watch if forever:


Modern Japanese Samurai TV Video

This modern-day Japanese Samurai TV Video is just simply AMAZING:


Japanese Fashion Model Robot 2009

Not exactly a supermodel, indeed. Its the all new HRP-4C developed by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan and unveiled at the recent Japan Fashion Week 2009 in Tokyo. The price of this 'model' is $1.97 million! Quite an expensive entry into the Uncanny Valley:

Via Dumpbase.net


detroit7 Live: Printemps de Bourges, France April 22, 2009

detroit7 rocked and rolled a completely sold-out crowd on the first night of France's largest music festival known as the Printemps de Bourges held recently in Bourges, France. This is a very exclusive music festival held every year for four to seven days. In the past, many famous bands have made their breakthrough performances at this event. Check out detroit7 jam the crowd hard with their newly released hot single Cold Heat:

And be sure to follow the ongoing detroit7 World Tour

Japanese Women Loincloth Liberation News Video

Reuters reports on the recent comeback of FUNDOSHI ("loincloths" in English) for the liberation of Japanese women:

Well, it would have been a better news report if Reuters had shown an actual woman wearing a liberating loincloth as I had hoped it would. I guess I'll believe it when (and if) I see it. Perhaps it may be time to move to Kyoto?!?!