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Here is a very beautiful photo of Ta Prohm Temple in Siem Reap, Angkor, Cambodia. It's easy to see why this temple is one of the most popular for tourists in Cambodia.
See also:
TV in Cambodia: "Upside Down"
This blog offers selected features of alternative Asian TV segments, news stories, editorials, photos and more from Japan, Korea, India, China and many other Asian countries. This blog also includes some WTF Japanese, North Korean online videos, entertainment news, beautiful Chinese and Japanese models, and much more.
In this research we develop a janken (rock-paper-scissors) robot with 100% winning rate as one example of human-machine cooperation systems. Human being plays one of rock, paper and scissors at the timing of one, two, three. According to the timing, the robot hand plays one of three kinds so as to beat the human being.Mmmmkkkaaaayyy! O.O