
King Robbo vs Banksy: "Graffiti Wars"

Recently aired on British TV, here is a very interesting documentary about the original UK street artist King Robbo and the ongoing graffiti war between him and Banksy. This short also features interviews with street artists Blek le Rat, Elate, Ben Eine and others.


WTF Japanese Milk Commercial #2

From WTF Japan Seriously here is yet another very wild and wacky Japanese TV commercial about milk. But instead of high-end graphics and actual milk itself, this commercial employs some synchronized pop and lock dance moves as well as many incredible acrobatic stunts. Also if you watch closely, you will see the mother engaged in the all-new Japanese sport of split walking :

And in case you're wondering "What is the #1 Japanese Milk Commercial?" Well, here it is:

See also: Hilarious 7up Chinese TV Commercial


Japanese TV: Ijiri Okada's Greenroom Inspections

In this hilarious Japanese TV segment from アメトーーク! "Rain Talk Show", one of Japan's funniest comedians Ijiri Okada イジリー岡田 teases torments two gravure idol models on the show: Jun Natsukawa and Ami Tokito by inspecting their backstage dressing rooms:

See also: Funny Japanese TV: "Oh Mikey!"


Japanese Government & TEPCO Have Lied & Failed

Via Fairewinds Associates August 21, 2011

New Data Supports Previous Fairewinds Analysis and has now proven that the Japanese Government & TEPCO have lied and failed to take full responsibility for the severity of the Fukushima radioactive contamination in Japan and the world.


Arnie Gundersen: "Burning of radioactive materials (building materials, trees, lawn grass, rice straw) by the Japanese government will cause radioactive Cesium to spread even further into areas within Japan that have been previously clean, and across the Pacific Ocean to North America."

UPDATE: Fukushima Robot Operator’s Blog Deleted

See also: Fukushima: One of The Greatest Disasters Ever