From Kodakawa Games, Grasshopper Manufacture and Warner Brothers Games here are the trailers for the upcoming worldwide release of the Lollipop Chainsaw ロリポップチェーンソー video game. This big-name game features a main character named "Juliet" who is a blonde-haired Japanese/American cheerleader/fighter with a wide array of attack weapons used to destroy zombies. One of her weapons is her boyfriend's decapitated head named "Nick" who is featured in the "Nick Popper," "Nick Toss" and "Nick Shoot" assault modes. Nick's head can also be put on a headless zombie to control it. Indeed, it is very possible that this game may turn out to be the funniest WTF Japanese street fighter ever released! Lollipop Chainsaw will be available from June 14, 2012. Be sure to watch these two brilliant trailers:
For more information please visit the official Lollipop Chainsaw website.
Trailer: My Girlfriend is The President
Japan's Horse Racing Dating Game