This blog offers selected features of alternative Asian TV segments, news stories, editorials, photos and more from Japan, Korea, India, China and many other Asian countries. This blog also includes some WTF Japanese, North Korean online videos, entertainment news, beautiful Chinese and Japanese models, and much more.
For centuries, Japan has religiously worshiped the steel phallus. And then, partly as a result of all of that hard work, in 2006 Kurara Chibana won the Miss Universe title in her famous Ninja High Heels.
So, not to be outdone by any of that, and in an effort to attract more female members to its congregation, we now have Taiwan's new wtf spectacular development of the church of the glass slipper now completed and about to open next month:
It is tempting to make fun of this, but since it is an actual church of some kind or another I will tread lightly as blasphemy will mean the eternal damnation of my sole. ;)
In an effort to alleviate the fear of Fukushima's ongoing nuclear disaster and food safety, the Fukushima Industries Corporation (a refrigerator/freezer manufacturer) has recently unveiled an all-new corporate character named "Fukuppy":
On the introduction page for this character it begins with this question and answer:
Q. Where were you born Fukuppy?
A. I was born in a Fukushima refrigerator.
The character also states that it is not yet a male or female because it is still an egg (with wings). It goes on to explain that it enjoys eating alot of food and is always on patrol and checking out the quality of meat, fish and vegetables in all new refrigerators. Also, to be fair, most likely, the Japanese pronunciation of this new oddity is "FOO-KU-PEA" or 「ふくっぴ」. And perhaps the logic behind this is that by putting a raw egg in one's refrigerator, somehow it will then indicate if any food has become irradiated. Mmmkkaaaayy...
Recently in second-best Korea it was reported that a young woman was literally "trapped" on the internet inside of her own live video webcams! This damsel-in-distress news quickly made its way to 4chan and then exploded across the Asian internets. Many viewers struggled to interpret her scribbled signs and one time when she remained motionless for hours, several others began to wonder if the web had been trolled by a corpse!
Well, even though it is well known that there are no girls on the internet, it turned out that she is a real, living young Korean woman residing somewhere in Seoul. She has been given the nickname of "Chip-Chan" partly based on her own self-scribed Engrish history as seen on her personal blog entitled "Verichip for criminal destroys me". And in the below video, it does appear that she actually goes outside:
Mmmmkay.... so we have a woman in trouble. She suddenly gets discovered by millions of guys on the web who are now all fully registered members of her fan club base known as "Chippies". Then soon afterwards she seems to either find the way out of her "trap" or she went to sleep in one of her filing cabinets as she has been known to do in the past. Whadayathink? WTF Actual right? Because Korea right? Pr0n site promo right? Incidentally, the local authorities are aware of this woman and they know her real, true identity and address in case anyone is worried.
But probably the most likely outcome is that Chip-Chan is now actually dating some of her very own "Chippies" and no longer is "afraid of sleeping" so to say. Well either way, her live video webcams are still up and running even though she has temporarily disappeared from the spotlight.
Well known for years by it's many funny and brilliant TV commercials, Gin No Sara is a nationwide sushi delivery company that has 365 stores all over Japan. The above is actually a compilation of several new TV commercials for this company. You can see all the short ones only in Japanese at Gin No Sara CM. For more info please visit their official Japanese website.
In a funny scene that could have been an outtake from Steven Spielberg's "Catch Me If You Can" film, a clever "Psy"-Borg pretender was recently spotted at the Cannes Film Festival. Somehow this unidentified man fooled everyone at the world's largest movie grand prix into believing that he was the world famous Psy (a.k.a. Park Jae-sang) the singer/songwriter from South Korea. The Hollywood Reporter wrote that the look alike imposter had been spotted at parties and with celebrities who all wanted to take pictures with the web's 'horse-dance guy' all over the seaside resort town.
"Me and [Psy] at the @Chopard party in #Cannes!!" tweeted a starstruck Naomie Harris (28 Days Later, Pirates of the Caribbean, Skyfall).
But then the real Psy had this to say: "Seems like there's another ME at cannes," the singer tweeted from Singapore. "Say Hi to him."
Now who doesn't love young, beautiful Asian women in uniforms AND high heels? This long-range photo was taken by Jacky Chen of Reuters when he saw the women from across the Yalu river in Dandong City, China. The women are patrolling on the other side of the Yalu river in Sunuiji, North Korea. In the below video we see one other DPRK female soldier named Kim Ok Yong threaten the USA with a nuclear missile strike!
Unless you've been living in a North Korean concentration camp, within this past week or so you've probably seen many photos of Dennis Rodman and his new BFF Kim Jong Un. The two were brought together in Best Korea for an exhibition basketball game with two Americans playing on each team alongside the North Koreans which ended in a 110-110 tie.
Within this past week, we have seen former NBA star Dennis Rodman visit North Korea and then afterwards gush over Kim Jong Un with this: "I love him. The guy is awesome. He was so honest." About that former Assistant Secretary of State Stephen Ganyard said "There is nobody at the CIA who could tell you more personally about Kim Jong Un than Dennis Rodman, and that in itself is scary."
And now we have another ironic twist as seen in a recent blog post/press release by "Kim Jung-Bay" it appears as though The Pirate Bay has moved it's infamous website to Pyongyang, Best Korea North Korea!
While we cannot confirm the below photo as official it does clearly appear as though The Dear Leader did in fact meet with Mr. Sunde and Mr. Svartholm and has saved The Pirate Bay, saved freedom and saved freedom of speech for our glorious worldwide internets! Manse! Manse!*
Last Fall Canadian comedian Tom Green accompanied some Japanese tourists in Los Angeles as a "Japanese Tour Guide". In this short segment for the Tom Green Show we see how he spoke some very wacky and funny WTF Japanese and had a lot of fun with the happy travelers.
Earlier this week, a computer security company known as Mandiant released a report (PDF) that alleges China's Military conducted numerous cyber attacks and committed grand theft of top secret data from many U.S government and U.S. companies' computer networks. The report claims that this blitzkreig originated from the Shanghai-based PLA Unit 61398 which is located inside this building:
So when some US reporters filmedpwned China's Top Secret Ministry of Hacking, hilarity ensued when some Chinese keystone cops started running after the reporters car while the reporters yelled "Keep driving! Drive away! Drive away!" Check out this funny video:
January 28, 2013 By Jimmy Rustling Tokyo, Japan – A bank robber was apprehended today in Tokyo after stopping to talk with none other than Bill Murray. “The man robbed the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, ran out, saw Bill Murray walking on the street and stopped to talk to him. That’s when authorities were able to apprehend him,” Tokyo Police Chief Yakuza Mori told reporters.
Bill Murray who is in Tokyo promoting a new movie told reporters about the incident. “I saw this man in the street running towards me with a bag in his hand. Then he suddenly stopped when he saw me. He asked me if I was Bob Harris, the character I played in Lost in Translation. I told him, ‘sure, why not’.
Then he started telling me how much he loved me and how great he thought I was.
“I was polite, I told him that was very nice of him to say. Then kind of out of nowhere, police showed up and tackled the man,” Murray said.
With a police chief named Yakuza Mori - you'd better believe it!
Popular Youtuber Mike Diva recently went to Japan and saw this very OMFG WTF new Furby Japanese TV commercial! It begins as a 'normal' cute and KAWAII "Space Furby" ad. But then about halfway through, suddenly the TV screen starts going fuzzy, and we then see little Furby burning on fire!!!
Then, suddenly, Furby is on a demonic sacrificial altar!!!
Is this the end of Furby? How did Japanese TV become so evil and exciting? This has to be seen to be believed:
See more of Mike Diva's very entertaining videos here.
For more information, please refer to the recent history of the popular Tama Zoo Escape Drill. A similar annual exercise is also conducted at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo.
Since the world did not end on December 21st, we can now safely look back and laugh at some of the Best Japanese TV commercials of 2012! This nine plus minute collection of some of the funniest, most bizzare and seriously WTF TV ad spots is brought to us by youtuber JPCMHD. And, for sure, these classic commercials will be taken down soon so check them out now!
On Sunday Shinzo Abe and his Liberal Democratic Party butt buddies defeated the previous Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda of the Democratic Party of Japan. Mr. Pooper is now Japan's seventh prime minister in the past six years. Abe was forced to resign the leadership back in 2008 from a bowel illness caused by ulcers. Well now he is back. But just before the election Taiwan's NMA.TV weighed in once again with their hilarious look at the matchup between Abe and Noda: