This blog offers selected features of alternative Asian TV segments, news stories, editorials, photos and more from Japan, Korea, India, China and many other Asian countries. This blog also includes some WTF Japanese, North Korean online videos, entertainment news, beautiful Chinese and Japanese models, and much more.
Recently in second-best Korea it was reported that a young woman was literally "trapped" on the internet inside of her own live video webcams! This damsel-in-distress news quickly made its way to 4chan and then exploded across the Asian internets. Many viewers struggled to interpret her scribbled signs and one time when she remained motionless for hours, several others began to wonder if the web had been trolled by a corpse!
Well, even though it is well known that there are no girls on the internet, it turned out that she is a real, living young Korean woman residing somewhere in Seoul. She has been given the nickname of "Chip-Chan" partly based on her own self-scribed Engrish history as seen on her personal blog entitled "Verichip for criminal destroys me". And in the below video, it does appear that she actually goes outside:
Mmmmkay.... so we have a woman in trouble. She suddenly gets discovered by millions of guys on the web who are now all fully registered members of her fan club base known as "Chippies". Then soon afterwards she seems to either find the way out of her "trap" or she went to sleep in one of her filing cabinets as she has been known to do in the past. Whadayathink? WTF Actual right? Because Korea right? Pr0n site promo right? Incidentally, the local authorities are aware of this woman and they know her real, true identity and address in case anyone is worried.
But probably the most likely outcome is that Chip-Chan is now actually dating some of her very own "Chippies" and no longer is "afraid of sleeping" so to say. Well either way, her live video webcams are still up and running even though she has temporarily disappeared from the spotlight.
A massive green algae invasion has landed in Qingdao and other seaside areas in Eastern China. The algae is reported to not be toxic to humans or damaging to water quality. But, apparently, it really stinks! Here is a BBC News video on this largest-ever swarm of the harmless "sea lettuce":
An American citizen currently being held in a North Korean prison, pleaded for forgiveness and help from the US Government yesterday in an exclusive video from CNN.
In a trial in Pyongyang on April 30, 2013 Pae Jun Ho aka Kenneth Bae was convicted of "hostile acts to bring down its government" and for planning religious activities against the state, according to KCNA. Bae confessed to all of his "crimes" and was given a 15-year sentence of hard labor.
"Although my health is not good, I am being patient and coping well," Bae said. "And I hope that with the help of the North Korean government and the United States, I will be released soon."
A pro North Korean group located in Tokyo, Choson Sinbo, was granted permission to make this interview video which they gave to CNN:
mishmash*Julie Watai is Cornelius' long time music programmer Mr. T. Mishima, contemporary artist Julie Watai and producer Masu Hiroshi Masuyama. "Electromotive romances" was composed by Benkei with video by TDKKKM and illustrations by Hiroyuki Takahashi. This song will be available on iTunes and Amazon on May 27th.
"Videos are Very effective and Important in Online promotion of any site. A one video matter more than thousand other submissions and posting. A visual effect attracts more peoples to your site than any other textual matters. Here are some of important sites where you can post your best videos and even attach it to your site. you can post a variety of video's in below list. Here is (the) latest Video Submissions Sites for 2013."
Actually, this list has been circulating the interwebs for at least two years now. Here is the same list from 2011. Well, obviously, we are in the club! And anyone can make a video submission by inquiring at Google+. If your submission is approved we will publish it here or, if it is exceptionally good, we will publish it on!
A first ever domestic news expose on the notorious Chinese labor camp known as Masanjia was recently published by Lens Magazine. The article is entitled "Walking Out of Masanjia." It's based on a detailed handwritten diary by former inmate Liu Hua.
Previously foreign media often reported on this labor camp and revealed many human rights violations and atrocities committed against prisoners since 2000. However, this latest uncovering marks the very first time that a Chinese media organization has dared to publish a news story about this controversial issue.
The following news video about this recent event includes some disturbing photos of many torture victims of the Masanjia Labor Camp. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.
Below is another recent news video on this breaking news story from ChinaForbiddenNews:
Two years after the March 11, 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan The New York Times has published a short news documentary entitled "In Japan, a Portrait of Mistrust" by Itai Keshet. In this he reports on some cases of public mistrust, fear and suspicion about the levels of radiation in food. Since the exact amount of radiation that was leaked from the Fukushima power plants has not yet been fully disclosed, various Japanese people express concern about the safety of food and where they live. In Japanese with English subtitles.
Here is a very shocking undercover video of the DPRK filmed by some freelance North Korean journalists working for Asiapress in December 2012 for Japanese TV. Below the video, we have provided an accurate English translation of the narrative. Viewer discretion is very strongly advised.
00:00 Close to the border with China, in Hyesan, Ryanggang province in this video filmed just last month there a lot of people waiting at a bus stop. Then a very crowded bus stops and the people try to get on it but they cannot as it is too jammed packed. Then the bus took off in order to shake off the people hanging onto the outside.
00:37 Then we see the market place of Hyesan. Here rice, meat and colorful shoes are being sold. It is said that there is a food shortage even though there is so much in the market. It appears to be a rich market supporting the residents' lifestyles. This is the way of living for these people in the countryside. These are the first favorable scenes that we have seen since Kim Jong Un became the leader of the DPRK.
01:17 However, looking closely we also see many homeless children or "Kochebi" with vacant looks sitting or walking around the market. And then we see a very young child lying on the ground in front of a white wall. It looks like the child has fallen. But the people walk by without looking and showing no surprise. Then the photographer says that this child has been dead for the past three days.
02:04 Then we go inside to meet some of the people from Hyesan. One young girl says that the number of homeless children in the market and at the train station is increasing. She also says that there are many people dying. So many that she can't count them.
02:19 Then we see an elementary school in Sinuiju, North Pyeongan province. The sign at the entrance to the school building says "Thank you beloved Dear Leader Kim Jong Un." And then on a sign in the central square of the city we see this slogan "Let's unconditionally carry out Comrade Kim Jong Un's orders very thoroughly." Here the aim is to increase the authority of the First Secretary Kim Jong Un.
02:58 And then in the square there are some older women selling food. "Grandmother what do you have?"
"Some vegetables and bread."
03:13 Then we took a brief look at some of the town's other activities. "For the wealthy who have been living a good lifestyle from long ago, things have become better. But for common people like us, things have gotten much worse."
03:33 "In the current trading system, clampdowns have increased in all aspects. Further government tightening is also restraining the movement of people. The flow of goods gets stopped on the road and that hurts business."
03:49 And here at Sinuiju train station many people are importing goods from China to Pyongyang. People are walking one after another towards the station but these policemen are controlling the movement of the people and the goods. 04:05 "HEY YOU! GET OUT OF HERE! GET OUT OF HERE!" yelled a station employee wearing a red arm band. These officials are controlling the traffic of citizens and supplies.
04:35 In North Korea there is not enough electricity so often the schedule of the railways gets disrupted. Because of that problem the government has ordered that the movement of people and goods to be strictly controlled.
04:51 Here is news video journalist Ishimaru Jiro who has obtained a series of videos of the DPRK. "The majority of people in North Korea now are involved in trading activities so that they can keep eating. With all of these strict regulations, business gets slowed down and, in short, cash decreases. There is a lot of rice and other goods available in the markets, but without money, no one can buy them."
"In summary, people who do not have access to food cannot continue living."
05:19 In the current system there is a gap widening between the people who don't have and the people that have government power. 05:29 Here is a look at one day on the outskirts of Sinuiju. "What are you throwing away?" asks the photographer. "Grains of rice are falling," the old woman says. In the rice fields, there are some other people looking for grains of rice. This is another look at the widening gap between the residents. In the end, another old woman complains of not finding anything.
05:54 Arrests are severe and everyone's lifestyle is agonizing. What can this youngster in his 20s do? The only thing they (the government) are good at is making people suffer.
06:12 There is a common question of who are these "Kochebi" wandering the streets?
06:15 In the morning we saw another homeless child. He was wearing an adult-sized jacket and dragging a bag. He stood still and stared into the camera when next to the photographer. The photographer then gave him an ice candy and told him not to say anything about his camera. Then the photographer asked him "At your house, are both your father and mother gone?" He answered "Yes".
06:52 The widening gap between people in North Korea. Where will all of this end up going to?
UPDATE: 3-20-13 The situation in the DPRK is now being reported by independent and underground news networks as very critical and at least one food riot was averted in one major city. Watch for updates in the comments section.
Here is the very shocking story of Dan Cancian - a New Zealander who was living and working in China until the day he was suddenly attacked by three Chinese men. He was forced to defend himself and was badly injured, arrested and given a five year sentence for the crime of "self defense." There is more to this horrific tale in his video entitled "This Is The Real China":
An American space expert said North Korea has succeeded in launching a satellite into space.
Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said late Tuesday from Cambridge, Massachusetts, that the three-stage Unha-3 rocket launched early Wednesday morning delivered the satellite into orbit and constituted "a perfect success for North Korea."
Most likely, today's surprise launch went something like this:
Shoda previously wrote and directed the popular post-nuclear short "Blind". Be sure to see more of his short films on Vimeo. And don't forget to stop by one of the world's largest music retail outlets Tower Records Shibuya.
After three centuries of peace, scientists are now predicting that Japan's Mount Fuji could soon have an eruption. Recently there have been other volcanic eruptions in other countries that previoiusly had magnitude nine earthquakes. Because of that, the chances of a Fuji flare up are increased since last year's 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Fukushima. Apparently the government of Japan is aware of this, but has done little in preparation for this potentially massive natural disaster. Below is a recent NTDTV news video on this current issue:
On the opening night of his Believe Tour, Justin Beiber suddenly vomited during the September 29th show in Glendale, Arizona. This video was uploaded by a fan soon afterwards and went viral throughout the internets. It was reported that Bieber claimed that he drank milk before the show and that made him sick. Well now the venerable Next Media Animation TV has weighed in with their funny 3D animation news video on this incident and asks what do you think made Justin Bieber blow chunks?
Earlier this week, Sexy Mandarin released lesson number nine: "Carwash". This lesson is taught by four very highly qualified native teachers who just so happen to also be some very hot and sexy Chinese models! And this lesson features the models/teachers wearing coloful, tight bikinis and very short shorts with a lot of water and soap suds. This lesson should make many hot rods very hot and very "clean", if you know what I mean:
From the inventor of the STFU SpeechJammer here is another wacky invention that enables video viewing at very high speed and at "understandably fast" speed. Yes, now you too can watch a full-length Superman cartoon TV episode in just four fast minutes (240 seconds) with the versatile CinemaGazer!
But wait there's more!
For you video viewing experts out there it is now possible to watch that same Superman cartoon TV episode in just TWO MINUTES (120 seconds):
This is all done through a "versatile video encoder that enables movie viewing with two-level fast-forwarding on any mobile device by specifying the speed of playback, the reading rate, or the overall viewing time." This new tool can be downloaded for free from here. It is Windows compatible only and the documentation is all in Japanese only. Perhaps there is some usefulness for this encoder but the time required to encode an average 30-minute TV segment down to two or four minutes is not specified. But for sure that task will require some hours, indeed.
Yesterday the world was stunned by the CCTV video of a teenage Chinese girl falling into a six-meter (19-foot) deep sidewalk hole in the city of Xi'an in northern China. She was rescued by taxi driver Wang Wei and the local fire department. She was unhurt and according to CNN her parents contacted Wang Wei to thank him for his brave rescue. Here is a news video about this from The Huffington Post:
According to the blogger Liuzhou Laowai there have been many people (and at least one water buffalo) of Liuzhou, China that have unfortunately fallen into sidewalk holes, wells and cesspools. Most were taken to the hospital and treated for injuries but some did not make it. This blogger has been reporting and joking about the "ancient and noble art" of falling down holes for many years now and has a shocking archive of such accidents.
So why does this happen so often in China? Well, apparently, the necessary safety regulations either don't exist or they are not followed by companies involved in road work, sidewalk work and other public projects. Also, according to the Liuzhou Laowai"manhole covers are also regularly stolen for their scrap metal value". O.O
So why is that so? Well the only answer available for that inquiry is "Because China".
Recently Metta World Peace aka. "Ron Artest" of the LA Lakers reverted back to his violent ways and now is in trouble once again with the NBA. His latest eruption happened in Sunday's game against the Oklahoma City Thunder. World Peace started celebrating a slam dunk by pounding his chest and then suddenly he viciously elbowed James Harden's head and knocked him to the floorboards. This earned Artest a flagrant foul and a game ejection but, of course, he claimed it was unintentional:
"It was unfortunate that James had to get hit with an unintentional elbow," World Peace said. "I hope he's OK."
However the NBA thinks otherwise and is now deciding on the length of Artest's upcoming suspension. This event is quite controversial with some fans claiming it was an accident and others saying that Artest should be banned from the NBA altogether. Either way this foul/accident is very disappointing for the NBA as this current season has seen an increase in violence on the court overall.
Not missing a beat, Taiwan's News Media Animation TV just weighed in on this whole mess with a very funny 3D animation news video: