Produced by Liberty in North Korea here is the trailer from a new documentary movie about a cool North Korean guy named "Danny". In 2005 Danny escaped to China and then to the USA:
He escaped a life of indoctrination, routine public executions, and starvation.
This is a documentary about Danny's story-- from his challenging life in North Korea, to his brave escape to China, and his resettlement journey in the United States.
To see this film, it is necessary to request a screening for your community. You can find out more about that process here.
About LINK: "Liberty in North Korea (LINK) is the only full-time grassroots organization in North America devoted to the North Korean human rights and humanitarian crises. LiNK provides protection and aid to North Korean refugees hiding in China and, utilizing a modern-day underground railroad through Southeast Asia, rescues refugees and helps them to reach freedom."
See also:
The Making of "Nothing To Envy" Film
Premiere of "Camp 14 - Total Control Zone"
North Korean Concentration Camp Drawings