This blog offers selected features of alternative Asian TV segments, news stories, editorials, photos and more from Japan, Korea, India, China and many other Asian countries. This blog also includes some WTF Japanese, North Korean online videos, entertainment news, beautiful Chinese and Japanese models, and much more.
"Fukushima is going to dwarf Chenobyl. The Japanese government has had a level 7 nuclear disaster going for almost a week but won’t admit it."
"At Fukushima, the reactor cores are still melting down. The ONLY way to stop that is to detonate a ~10 kiloton fission device inside each reactor containment vessel and hope to vaporize the cores. That’s probably a bad solution."
"A nuclear meltdown is a self-sustaining reaction. Nothing can stop it except stopping the reaction. And that would require a nuclear weapon. In fact, it would require one in each containment vessel to merely stop what is going on now. But it will be messy."
"A decade after it was shelved by his label, David Bowie's 23rd studio album has been leaked on the internet. Toy, conceived as a reimagining of Bowie's early work, appeared on file-sharing websites this week, with Bowie's reps refusing to comment."
"A week after an Australian man sold a purported copy of Toy on eBay (it sold for £62.98), a CD-quality MP3 version of the album suddenly appeared on BitTorrent, spreading like (ziggy) stardust."
And, as usual, here is another account on how Toy was leaked:
"The album's original uploader goes by the online nickname Brigstow which is a word play on where he comes from - Bristol, UK."
"Brigstow's reasons for uploading "Toy" sound just as unconventional as the site he chose to upload the album on. He wanted to put a stop to what he considered gross exploitation from eBay sellers that were posting "Toy" album CDs for auction starting at as much as $55 per piece."
"Brigstow stated categorically that the upload was based on a bootleg CD he bought, although initial rumors had stated the unknown uploader had bought the CD from Australia via eBay. "
Well, now it is all on Youtube and here is one of the highlights entitled "Shadow Man":