
WTF Japanese Wives Scream "Thank you" to Husbands

From the land where screaming in public is considered "normal", NHK TV recently ran this funny event where some Japanese housewives went to their husband's companies and screamed various "Thank you" messages to their husbands:

See also: Funny Japanese TV: "Oh Mikey!"


The FAP Police Under Fire

Being a policeman is dangerous, but being a member of The FAP Police can be very hazardous when under fire in the line of duty:

Via funnyjunk.com

See also: Pedobear Warning by CA Police


WTF Japanese Clapping (Fapping?) Robots

Via WTF Japan Seriously - Keio University's robotic researcher Masato Takahashi just released his new invention that will significantly advance the human race forevermore - the all-new Japanese fapping clapping robots:

According to Tokyo Tek these clapping hands robots were modelled after the inventor's arms and were made with "an aluminium skeleton coated with urethane flesh and were specially designed to make a natural sounding clap" and that "they can be used at concerts to enhance the sound of real clapping" or as good "spanking machines" to, of course, spank the monkey with! DUH! It all makes perfect sense now.

You can see and hear it for yourself:

To find out more about these very useful new robotic hands, please visit the Ondz Multipurpose Hand Clapping Machine website.

See also: Japan's Hand(job) iPhone Case Forever Alone Model


Japanese Are Superior in Jump Rope

Earlier this year, the Japanese proved their superiority to all other humans in Inflatable Water Sports!! And now a Japanse woman has done it once again by breaking the Guiness Book of World Records mark for completing the most jump ropes in 30 seconds:

162 jumps in 30 seconds is 5.4 jumps per second! Very impressive.

But did this athlete also break another world record?

See also: Japanese TV Slam Dunk World Record Video