
2nd Best Korea Brings Best Bowie Tribute

About a month ago after the second King of Rock and Roll passed away, a very highly talented, beautiful and ambitious musician from second best Korea named Luna Lee produced this truly incredible tribute to David Bowie. She played all the parts on the ancient Korean 6th century instrument known as the Gayageum:

You can see more of her popular videos here.

See also:

Korea's Web Damsel Chip-Chan Goes Outside?

Best Korea's Best Satellite Orbit Confirmed!


Virgin Mice Science Research In Japan

Via TomoNews.net

In a new study from Japan, results have shown that virgin mice preferred watching mice fight videos and receiving morphine injections rather than watching mice erotica and mice sniffing videos. The research was done by Japanese scientists Shigeru Watanabe from Keio University, Kazutaka Shinozuka with the RIKEN Brain Science Institute and Takefumi Kikusui from Azabu University and was published in the scientific journal "Animal Cognition."

Virgin mice prefer watching fight videos to sex... by tomonewsus

Although Japan does not have a big drug problem, this study may partly explain why violent anime is so popular in Japan and all over the world. It may also partially reveal why many young Japanese men and women are not interested in sex these days.

About this study, Barbara Kenig at the University of Zurich in Switzerland told New Scientist: "There is a debate over whether time spent with a specific cue is a good proxy for preference. Mice might just need longer to gain information on whether the objects signal any kind of danger."

See also:

A Comic Analysis of Showry For 'Science'

Japanese Reality vs Japanese Anime


The Vapors Were Right

Back in the amazing '80s The Vapors wrote this hit song "Turning Japanese":

Well they were right and we did it. But it would be hard to believe that this is what they had in mind:

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist


"I trust that many of you are familiar with the story of Peter Pan, in which it says, ‘the moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it’. Yes, what we need is a positive attitude and conviction." - Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda

OK Mr. Kuroda many people all over the globe would now be very happy to see you demonstrate your new superhuman ability by diving off the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi Tower and flying like Peter Pan on Monday morning live NHK news.

See more at Visual Capitalist

Edit: This is almost as good as last September's meltdown by US Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen when she either had a stroke or came to a sudden realization that her private organization is responsible for the destruction of the world economy: