Showing posts with label NSFW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NSFW. Show all posts


Shocking Undercover North Korean News Video

Undercover North Korean News Video

Here is a very shocking undercover video of the DPRK filmed by some freelance North Korean journalists working for Asiapress in December 2012 for Japanese TV. Below the video, we have provided an accurate English translation of the narrative. Viewer discretion is very strongly advised.

00:00 Close to the border with China, in Hyesan, Ryanggang province in this video filmed just last month there a lot of people waiting at a bus stop. Then a very crowded bus stops and the people try to get on it but they cannot as it is too jammed packed. Then the bus took off in order to shake off the people hanging onto the outside.

00:37 Then we see the market place of Hyesan. Here rice, meat and colorful shoes are being sold. It is said that there is a food shortage even though there is so much in the market. It appears to be a rich market supporting the residents' lifestyles. This is the way of living for these people in the countryside. These are the first favorable scenes that we have seen since Kim Jong Un became the leader of the DPRK.

01:17 However, looking closely we also see many homeless children or "Kochebi" with vacant looks sitting or walking around the market. And then we see a very young child lying on the ground in front of a white wall. It looks like the child has fallen. But the people walk by without looking and showing no surprise. Then the photographer says that this child has been dead for the past three days.

02:04 Then we go inside to meet some of the people from Hyesan. One young girl says that the number of homeless children in the market and at the train station is increasing. She also says that there are many people dying. So many that she can't count them.

02:19 Then we see an elementary school in Sinuiju, North Pyeongan province. The sign at the entrance to the school building says "Thank you beloved Dear Leader Kim Jong Un." And then on a sign in the central square of the city we see this slogan "Let's unconditionally carry out Comrade Kim Jong Un's orders very thoroughly." Here the aim is to increase the authority of the First Secretary Kim Jong Un.

02:58 And then in the square there are some older women selling food. "Grandmother what do you have?"
"Some vegetables and bread."

03:13 Then we took a brief look at some of the town's other activities. "For the wealthy who have been living a good lifestyle from long ago, things have become better. But for common people like us, things have gotten much worse."

03:33 "In the current trading system, clampdowns have increased in all aspects. Further government tightening is also restraining the movement of people. The flow of goods gets stopped on the road and that hurts business."

03:49 And here at Sinuiju train station many people are importing goods from China to Pyongyang. People are walking one after another towards the station but these policemen are controlling the movement of the people and the goods. 04:05 "HEY YOU! GET OUT OF HERE! GET OUT OF HERE!" yelled a station employee wearing a red arm band. These officials are controlling the traffic of citizens and supplies.

04:35 In North Korea there is not enough electricity so often the schedule of the railways gets disrupted. Because of that problem the government has ordered that the movement of people and goods to be strictly controlled.

04:51 Here is news video journalist Ishimaru Jiro who has obtained a series of videos of the DPRK. "The majority of people in North Korea now are involved in trading activities so that they can keep eating. With all of these strict regulations, business gets slowed down and, in short, cash decreases. There is a lot of rice and other goods available in the markets, but without money, no one can buy them."

"In summary, people who do not have access to food cannot continue living."

05:19 In the current system there is a gap widening between the people who don't have and the people that have government power. 05:29 Here is a look at one day on the outskirts of Sinuiju. "What are you throwing away?" asks the photographer. "Grains of rice are falling," the old woman says. In the rice fields, there are some other people looking for grains of rice. This is another look at the widening gap between the residents. In the end, another old woman complains of not finding anything.

05:54 Arrests are severe and everyone's lifestyle is agonizing. What can this youngster in his 20s do? The only thing they (the government) are good at is making people suffer.

06:12 There is a common question of who are these "Kochebi" wandering the streets?

06:15 In the morning we saw another homeless child. He was wearing an adult-sized jacket and dragging a bag. He stood still and stared into the camera when next to the photographer. The photographer then gave him an ice candy and told him not to say anything about his camera. Then the photographer asked him "At your house, are both your father and mother gone?" He answered "Yes".

06:52 The widening gap between people in North Korea. Where will all of this end up going to?

UPDATE: 3-20-13 The situation in the DPRK is now being reported by independent and underground news networks as very critical and at least one food riot was averted in one major city. Watch for updates in the comments section.

See also:

North Korean Comic Jugglers Live Show (filmed in the DPRK)

The Making of "Nothing To Envy" Film

'The Defector' Film Premieres at IDFA

Premiere of "Camp 14 - Total Control Zone"

North Korean Concentration Camp Drawings


North Korean Concentration Camp Drawings

North Korean Concentration Camp Drawings
North Korean Concentration Camp Drawings

The above drawings were done by North Korean refugees who were helped to escape from the DPRK by the Life Funds For North Korean Refugees non-government organization. These NSFW illustrations depict torture, human rights violations and the daily despair of living in Camp 12 Chongo-ri Kyo Hwa So. The Chongori reeducation center is located in the North Hamgyong Province and has a very high death rate. The following description of this camp is from the Chosunilbo:
One defector who had a hair's breadth escape from Chongori, has said, "Chongori is a living hell. Yoduk (the notorious prison camp) is a much better place."

At Chongori, inmates are doomed to die of malnutrition. Forced to work for 14 hours a day, they are given only two whole potatoes and a handful of cornmeal a day. Few inmates stick it out for more than three months, no matter how healthy they are, because beatings are a daily routine there, he said.

Located in Tokyo, Japan Life Funds For North Korean Refugees helps North Korean refugees escape to Japan and other countries and start new lives. Among other things, this NGO also provides food shipments via balloon deliveries and through its own local networks from South Korea to North Korea. Find out more information at their official Japanese website and please donate to help this organization.

See also:

North Korean Poet's Rhymes of Murder, Despair

Rimjin-gang's Underground North Korea News Update

Canadian DPRK Documentary "The Defector"


mishmash*Julie Watai Release 3rd Single

mishmash*Julie Watai 3rd single Don't Shoot Me. I'm Only the Pin-up Girl.

Earlier today, mishmash*Julie Watai released this slightly NSFW short version of their third single entitled: "Don't Shoot Me. I'm Only the Pin-up Girl". This video features many beautiful Japanese models and attractive gravure idols! Check it out:

UPDATE:The final audio versions of this song are now available on Amazon in English and Japanese. UPDATE: Both the Japanese and English final versions of this song (audio only) are now available on the Ototoy Features website.

Don't Shoot Me. I'm Only the Pin-up Girl.


mishmash*Julie Watai "Veiled by Reverb" 2nd Single

Julie Watai & mishmash* Debut Single "Roll of Love"


NSFW Japanese Program Squeezes Out Breast Milk

New Japanese Program Squeezes Out Breast Milk

Via Rocket News 24 May 9, 2012

An oversexed and very talented Japanese internet geek named Kamutaro has just released a new NSFW, WTF, and Forever Alone computer program that allows anyone to squeeze out breast milk from anything.

On May 8, Ksmutaro uploaded the below NSFW video that demonstrates how his new breast milk program works. But, at first, he is frustrated when it doesn't work and he hits the monitor a few times. He then shows us two real steamed buns and writes in Japanese subtitles that he is "finally ready to squeeze out some milk." So he then squeezes the buns, but, of course, nothing happens.

Then at 0:55 of the video we see his fingers on the computer monitor making a squeezing motion. Somehow this interacts with the manga image and animated milk starts to spray out from the manga girl's breast. Then he shows us the computer setup and how he now can squeeze the steamed buns and on the monitor the animated milk gushes out of them. Later on in the video he explains:
“Background differencing allows the program to detect hand movements within the specified field. The amount and trajectory of milk is calculated using my own original formula.”

It’s after this that the video suddenly transforms from hilarious to call-the-cops creepy as Kamutaro violates the altered image of a premature female anime character: “Milk Mai’s school uniform! You can milk big breasts and small breasts! I removed her clothes, but there’s no nipple so this isn’t porn!”
You have to see this to believe it:

Note: This video is NSFW


Japan's Forever Alone Kissing Poster

Japanese Virtual Web Sex Technology

China Sex Toy Factory NSFW Photos


NSFW Iiniku Ushijima Sexy Video

NSFW Iiniku Ushijima Sexy Video

Via Dailymotion Here is a beautiful and NSFW sexy video of one of Japan's hottest gravure idols Iiniku Ushijima. Check this out:

iiniku ushijima by noji258

NSFW Iiniku Ushijima Sexy Video

Be sure to get your favorite Iiniku Ushijima merchandise at Amazon Japan.


Iiniku Ushijima Photo by Julie Watai


North Korea vs South Korea = Worst Korea

Just in time for the North Korean satellite launch, here is a very powerful anti-war film entitled "The Front Line" by director Jang Hun. Through the views of some breathtaking battle scenes and heavy human emotional portrayals during the end of the Korean War, this film shows us the futility and senseless fighting over one hill dividing the North and South Korean armies. Based on a true story, this film is NSFW and NSFL. It is in Korean with English subtitles and was Korea's entry for the Oscars' Best Foreign Film category in 2011. Viewer discretion is strongly advised:


Tibetan Jamphel Yeshi Self Immolates in India

Via Huffington Post 03/26/2012

Yesterday in New Dehli, India 26-year-old Tibetan exile Jamphel Yeshi self immolated and ran screaming for about 50 yards as a protest against the Chinese government and President Hu Jintao's upcoming visit to India. After Yeshi collapsed, other anti-China protesters put out the fire with Tibetan flags and water. He was taken to a hospital and is now in critical condition with burns over 98% of his body. Since 2009, there have been 30 similar types of self immolation protests in Tibet and Beijing. Below is a shocking NSFW/NSFL video of this incident:

Tibetan Jamphel Yeshi Self Immolates in India

Jamphel Yeshi runs screaming after he was engulfed in flames by his self immolation protest yesterday March 26, 2012 in India.

UPDATE: In Death, Jamphel Yeshi Has Become the Face of Tibetan Dissent 3-28-12
Jamphel Yeshi, a Tibetan exile who set himself on fire to protest Chinese rule, died from his burns in New Delhi on Wednesday--and has now become the symbol and a martyr for Tibetan suffering. "In the early evening, more than 200 people walked through the town center waving Tibetan flags and carrying banners that proclaimed Jamphel Yeshi, who died on Wednesday, a martyr," reports The New York Times' Edward Wong in Dharamasala, India. Continued...

See also: Makoto Wada Anti Nuclear Poster


Coming Soon: "Dead Sushi" Japanese Movie

Coming Soon: Dead Sushi Japanese Movie

Here's a new preview trailer of an upcoming movie from the maker of The Machine Girl, Robogeisha! and Karate-Robo Zaborgar. AV and theatrical motion picture director, screenplay writer and actor Noboru Iguchi is about to release a new movie entitled Dead Sushi. From watching the trailer, this flick appears to be another classic B-film that looks scary, sexy. fun and funny! Check it out:

NOTE: This trailer is NSFW and NSFL (not safe for lunch).

Find out more about this movie at the official website "Dead Sushi."

Related: "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" Trailer


China Sex Toy Factory NSFW Photos

Via Buzzfeed 2-15-12

Just in time for those forever alone post Valentine's Day blues, here are some NSFW and not so fappy photos from a Chinese Sex Toy Factory:

China Sex Toy Factory Photos

China Sex Toy Factory Photos

See also: New Japanese Bukkake Doll "Aya Aya"


Yu Darvish Dating A Japanese Porn Star?

Yu Darvish Dating A Japanese Porn Star

Via NMA TV/Apple Action News

Yu Darvish Dating A Japanese Porn Star Texas Ranger's new 60 million dollar man, Yu Darvish, has been reported to be dating a Japanese porn star with a G-cup sized bustline and an "electric tongue." It is suspected that this could be the one and only Kirara Asuka (NSFW). If this report is true it should not bother Darvish at all as he himself has posed nude in some Japanese women's magazines. Here is a news report from Taiwan on this latest development:

Note: Click on the CC button to turn on the English closed captions.

See also: Japanese Forever Alone Baseball in Space


Learn Chinese From Sexy Lesbians

Learn Chinese From Sexy Lesbians

So you want to learn another language and especially an Asian language. But you're not sure which one Japanese? Chinese? Korean? All of them are difficult and each one requires many years of study in order to masterbate. Maybe you're worried about that high learning curve.

Well, now all of your worries are over as it is time for you to "dive right into" the first lesson of sexy Mandarin with two smoking hot Chinese lesbians:

Note: This video may not be safe for work. (NSFW)

And forgetting your homework will result in an extra one hour detention after class. ;O)

Related: Japanese Engrish Teacher Teaches Engrish


North Korean Slaves in Russia

In this recent interview, Shane Smith talks to Joe Rogan about his team's recent trip deep into Siberia, Russia. Includes NSFW language and some videos from nearby the North Korean slave labor camps:

You can read more about this amazing story here.

See also: North Korean Karaoke - 'Anarchy in the DPRK'


Bathtub Girl iPhone Case From Japan Of Course

Via the NSFW Akiba Blog 2011年11月21日

Created by figurine artist Hiroshi Sato aka. 'Overlord' here is his new NSFW bathtub girl iPhone case:

Bathtub Girl iPhone Case

This new creation was on display at the recent Winter ASCII Festival with Dengeki Hobby. This provocative case also features a very unique "shower head":

Bathtub Girl iPhone Case

See also: New Japanese Bukkake Doll "Aya Aya"


New Japanese Bukkake Doll "Aya Aya"

From the land of fake idols and fake bartenders pouring fake drinks with fake ice, very soon from now Daiki Industries ダイキ工業 will be offering an all-new 'fake girlfriend' bukkake doll complete with its very own fake cum!

Yes folks, you read that right as Daiki's upcumming "Toushirou Original Bukkake Figurine" will soon be added to their lineup of corpulent miniature sex dolls adult mini figurines.

This new adult toy is named "Aya Aya" and is very similar to the previously-released figurine named "Aya Alley" pictured right in the blue bikini. However, "Aya Aya" comes with a plastic syringe and a container of spunk "scary white gel." It's overall height is about seven inches and will go on sale next January for a price of 10,290 yen or about 133 dollars. Below is a NSFW demonstration video of how to play with abuse Aya Aya:

See also: WTF Japanese Milk Commercial #2


Japanese Virtual Web Sex Technology

Maybe not safe for work (NSFW), here is another example of how some Japanese scientists continue to improve masturbation devices through virtual web sex: