Showing posts with label Korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Korea. Show all posts


Showry's Sexy Demonstration Video

In this highly educational video, Korea's wild and sexy Showry - 쇼리 demonstrates how to apply natural makeup:

Be sure to see more of this very sassy entertainer's videos here. Hint: She's quickly taking over the internets.


North Korean English Porno Story

DPRK Female Soldiers in Uniforms & High Heels!

Korea's Web Damsel Chip-Chan Goes Outside?


Korea's Web Damsel Chip-Chan Goes Outside?

Korea's Web Damsel Chip-Chan Goes Outside
Chip Chan as previously seen on her live video webcams.

Via The Kernel September 15, 2013

Recently in second-best Korea it was reported that a young woman was literally "trapped" on the internet inside of her own live video webcams! This damsel-in-distress news quickly made its way to 4chan and then exploded across the Asian internets. Many viewers struggled to interpret her scribbled signs and one time when she remained motionless for hours, several others began to wonder if the web had been trolled by a corpse!

Well, even though it is well known that there are no girls on the internet, it turned out that she is a real, living young Korean woman residing somewhere in Seoul. She has been given the nickname of "Chip-Chan" partly based on her own self-scribed Engrish history as seen on her personal blog entitled "Verichip for criminal destroys me". And in the below video, it does appear that she actually goes outside:

Mmmmkay.... so we have a woman in trouble. She suddenly gets discovered by millions of guys on the web who are now all fully registered members of her fan club base known as "Chippies". Then soon afterwards she seems to either find the way out of her "trap" or she went to sleep in one of her filing cabinets as she has been known to do in the past. Whadayathink? WTF Actual right? Because Korea right? Pr0n site promo right? Incidentally, the local authorities are aware of this woman and they know her real, true identity and address in case anyone is worried.

But probably the most likely outcome is that Chip-Chan is now actually dating some of her very own "Chippies" and no longer is "afraid of sleeping" so to say. Well either way, her live video webcams are still up and running even though she has temporarily disappeared from the spotlight.

See also:

Korean Kids Sing The Ramones

Buy A North Korean Bride Only $50,000!!!

From North Korea: 'Pyongyang Style' by Steve Gong


North Korea vs South Korea = Worst Korea

Just in time for the North Korean satellite launch, here is a very powerful anti-war film entitled "The Front Line" by director Jang Hun. Through the views of some breathtaking battle scenes and heavy human emotional portrayals during the end of the Korean War, this film shows us the futility and senseless fighting over one hill dividing the North and South Korean armies. Based on a true story, this film is NSFW and NSFL. It is in Korean with English subtitles and was Korea's entry for the Oscars' Best Foreign Film category in 2011. Viewer discretion is strongly advised:


NMA TV on Kim Jong Il's Death

Always right on time, today Taiwan's Next Media Animation TV just released their funny 3D animation video on yesterday's passing of Kim Jong Il:

However the good news now is that the NEW KIM IS BEST KIM!!

Also it is well known that Kim Jong Il enjoys looking at things so now he is "relaxing" and looking at the ceiling:

Kim Jon Il relaxing and looking at the ceiling

Related: When Kim Jong Il was born...

North Korean Karaoke - 'Anarchy in the DPRK'


Korean Kids Sing The Ramones

Here is a cute clip of some adorable South Korean kids from the Sullivan School putting a little bit of Seoul back into punk rock n' roll by singing The Ramones legendary hit Judy is a Punk:

Be sure not to miss the DPRK's incredible "Genius Kids" here.