Showing posts with label crazy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crazy. Show all posts


Showry's Sexy Demonstration Video

In this highly educational video, Korea's wild and sexy Showry - 쇼리 demonstrates how to apply natural makeup:

Be sure to see more of this very sassy entertainer's videos here. Hint: She's quickly taking over the internets.


North Korean English Porno Story

DPRK Female Soldiers in Uniforms & High Heels!

Korea's Web Damsel Chip-Chan Goes Outside?


Japan is Going "Fuckin'" Crazy!

In addition to being the world's #1 Superpower of WTF and Forever Alone, now it seems like Japan is starting to go "Fuckin'" Crazy:

Japan is Going Fuckin' Crazy

Size XXX Large

Related: Japanese Fuckin' Department Store Sale


Chinese Cop On The Hood of a Speeding Car!

Via GoChengdoo: Chengdu & Sichuan living December 9th, 2011

In today's WTF OMFG news from China, it was reported that a Chinese traffic cop that attempted to stop an illegal taxi, somehow ended up clinging for his life on the hood of the car in a high-speed chase up to 150 Kmh for five (5) kilometers! Below is a news video of this incident:

See also: WTF Chinese Pedobear Sex Ed Nursery School


Crazy Indian Video (Real Title Unknown)

Instead of actual Indian - English translation subtitles, this video's subtitles include what the editor, someone named "Buffalax", thought the actors sounded like they were singing in English!!! And that incorrect interpretation just makes this "Crazy Indian Video (Real Title Unknown)" TOTALLY OFF THE HOOK HILARIOUS!!! CHECK IT OUT: