
WTF Chinese Pedobear Sex Ed Nursery School

In today's WTF China Daily News, it has been reported that many people in Beijing, Shanghai and other Chinese cities have become quite concerned about a small privately run nursery school named "Readers" located in Zhengzhou. This small school has recently introduced a new kind of sex education class with "live versions of dolls" or toy dolls which include complete replicas of human reproductive organs.

On Saturday, September 3rd the below news video was broadcast on China's CNS TV:

The owner of the school claims that most of their sex education classes are "custom made, and others from some of the children's parents."

Also China's Ten Cent News , a subsidiary of Japan's 3Yen Daily News Organization, recently reported the following dialogue heard from within the "Readers" pedobear training center nursery school:

Hou teacher asked: "So how did you go into the womb of it?"

Girl Momo answer in a show of hands: "father's sperm to find the mother's egg, and then I had planted in the womb!"

"Her answer was right?"


"Well, that is how sperm find the egg it, come join us to do a finger exercise it!"

See also:

Chinese Tentacle Pink Penis Fish

How to Become A Pedobear


  1. PSHAW! PRIOR ART! Pervy Japan has had these sex ed dolls in kindergaden for many decades.

  2. SchwingSchwingSchwing4:00 PM, September 08, 2011

    Everbody is either a playa or a ho. You learn all about it on the streets, in porno flicks, or in school. Might as well start them out from day one.

  3. It's just great to see that China is now catching up to Japan in WTF. Great for the internets and the lulz.

  4. Thank you Admiral Taro! Stay tuned!

  5. This is just so wrong on so many levels but I still ROFLed! Thanks Pongi.

  6. This is just too much. There should be some boundaries and control for such occasions!

    Self L
