Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts


Taipei Zoo Pandas Yuan Yuan and Yuanzai Part 2

Taipei Zoo Pandas Yuan Yuan and Yuanzai Part 2

Via Taipei Zoo October 23, 2013

Earlier this year in August, the Taipei Zoo released the cutest Giant Panda videos ever seen in the history of the internets. These starred momma Yuan Yuan and her then one-month-old cub Yuanzai. These highly emotional short clips went mega viral and were broadcast on many international television news stations and are still quite popular all over the world wide web.

Well, just the other day the Taipei Zoo did it again and has now brought us a very cute behind-the-scenes look at baby Yuanzai as she gets lost after an examination and, literally, stumbles into momma's bamboo grazing grounds:

Note: Due to the recent popularity of this video, playback
may be slower than normal.


Mother & Baby Panda Rejoined @ Taipei Zoo

Just over a month ago, first-time mother panda Yuanyuan gave birth to a beautiful daughter named Yuanzai at the Taipei Zoo. However, Yuanyuan accidentally broke Yuanzai's foot while carrying her. There was some concern that the mother might kill or eat the baby so they had to temporarily separate the two. The zoo's nurses and veterinarians took very good care of the baby panda and on August 12th, mother and baby met for a brief, but very emotional moment.

Then earlier today (Aug 13th) both mother and baby were reunited and Yuanyuan breastfed Yuanzai with no problems. Below is an incredible video of the two coming together again:

See also:

Because China: Panda Bully on China Airways

Chinese Pigs Chasing Chinese Pigs


Three Earless Rabbits Born in China

Last month a Fukushima Deformed Baby Rabbit w/ No Ears was discovered in the town of Namie just outside the 18-mile exclusion zone of Fukushima's crippled reactors. Since then, Namie has been identified as a radiation hot-spot.

Now three baby bunnies with no ears were recently born in China. These rabbits were discovered in Chengkou County, Chongqing Municipality of Southwest China. The earless rabbits have bald heads and gray eyes instead of hairy heads and red eyes. The rabbits' owner Aunt Geng was interviewed yesterday by CCTV:

Reporter: "Did the previous rabbits given birth by the same mother rabbit have ears?"

Aunt Geng: “The previous ones have ears. Only rabbits that were born this time don't.”

See also: Chinese Twins w/ 2 Heads 1 Body


Fukushima Deformed Baby Rabbit w/ No Ears

In this video by yuunosato we see the first deformed baby rabbit recently born with no ears in Fukushima:

First Fukushima Deformed Baby Rabbit Born With No Ears"

See also: Chinese Twins w/ 2 Heads 1 Body