Showing posts with label disaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disaster. Show all posts


Flawed Fukushima Fruit & Vegetables w/ Radiation

Fresh Fukushima Fruit & Vegetables w/ Radiation
Two-Headed Corn

Via MSN Now July 15, 2013

Recent photos from a Korean website of many irradiated and malformed fruit and vegetables from Fukushima, Japan have gone viral and are now being reported by mainstream news entities. And these are not pretty pictures, indeed:

Deformed Peaches

Hand-Shaped Radish

Giant Cabbages

More photos...


Fukushima Deformed Baby Rabbit w/ No Ears

News Documentary on Food Safety in Japan


News Documentary on Food Safety in Japan

Two years after the March 11, 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan The New York Times has published a short news documentary entitled "In Japan, a Portrait of Mistrust" by Itai Keshet. In this he reports on some cases of public mistrust, fear and suspicion about the levels of radiation in food. Since the exact amount of radiation that was leaked from the Fukushima power plants has not yet been fully disclosed, various Japanese people express concern about the safety of food and where they live. In Japanese with English subtitles.


Forever Alone in The Nuke Zone of Fukushima 2013

Fukushima Housewife's Story of Nuclear Meltdown

1991 GE Tokyo Electric Power TV Commercial

Japan's Chim↑Pom‬ 'Super Rats' Attack Tokyo


Forever Alone in The Nuke Zone of Fukushima 2013

Forever Alone in The Nuke Zone of Fukushima 2013

Recently produced by Vice Media Japan, here is a very chilling short documentary on two Fukushima farmers who, in the face of high levels of radioactivity, are still bravely working their desolate farms and feeding their animals. One farmer, Naoto Matsumura, is still living within the 20 kilometer evacuation zone in Tomioka. Another farmer, Kenji Hasegawa, had to evacuate his town of Iitate and now lives in temporary housing. Together they tell some very somber tales of the nuclear accident, TEPCO's lies, their separated families and Japanese government failures two years after the disasters of March 11, 2011.

See also:

Fukushima Housewife's Story of Nuclear Meltdown

Kraftwerk Live in Tokyo @ NO NUKES


Japanese Nuke Protesters vs Japanese Police

Japanese Nuke Protesters vs Japanese Police

XXX Large Size

Here is a truly incredible photo of some Japanese nuclear protesters standing right up against the Japanese police. Notice how some of the protesters are sharing their umbrellas with the cops! Amazing.

Also today the independent parliamentary committee known as the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission (FNAIIC) released a highly critical report which concluded that the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear disaster was “man-made” and the result of “collusion” between Japan’s regulatory bodies and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). This report also "blames Japanese culture for the fundamental causes of the disaster" and comes at a time when it could further inflame the overall distrust of the government and significantly empower the anti-nuclear movement in Japan. On Sunday, the Ohi nuclear plant was switched back on against widespread anti-nuclear sentiment and protests that continue in Tokyo.

Source: Report: Fukushima Nuclear Disaster was “Manmade”


Japan's Chim↑Pom 'Super Rats' Attack Tokyo

Makoto Wada Anti Nuclear Poster

Japanese Government vs Fukushima Citizens on The Right to Live


PBS Documentary "Nuclear Aftershocks"

In their popular show Frontline, PBS recently released a truly stunning documentary called "Nuclear Aftershocks." This documentary film presents an in-depth look at the Fukushima disaster. It includes previously unpublished footage and an accurate account of how it all happened. Nuclear Aftershocks also takes us to the US and Europe and questions the possibility of a Fukushima type disaster happening in the United States. Presented by Frontline correspondent Miles O'Brien.

See more interesting documentaries at Frontline. And don't miss Frontline's upcoming film "Inside Japan’s Nuclear Meltdown." Below is the trailer:

Watch Inside Japan's Nuclear Meltdown on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE.


Trailer for "Surviving Japan"

Earlier this year Chris Noland volunteered to help cleanup the devastation from the 9.0 quake and tsunami in Northeastern Japan. While doing so he also started to produce a very interesting documentary entitled "Surviving Japan". In this film he and his assistants talk to many Japanese citizens, the government and TEPCO and their stories tell what really is happening now in the wake of the natural and nuclear disasters. Here is the trailer for this film:

Please visit and support the production of this documentary at the official Surviving Japan kickstarter website.

Related: Japanese Government vs Fukushima Citizens on The Right to Live


Fukushima Spy Camera Video

Here is a fascinating look at inside the Fukushima power plants as filmed by journalist Tomohiko Suzuki with a voyeur spy camera watch. This video is Japanese only, but you can turn on Google's Beta translate captions by clicking on the red CC button. But the results are mostly generated Engrish nonsense. However despite that, this video shows a very interesting view of it all from inside the crippled plants:

See also: Japanese Government & TEPCO Have Lied & Failed


Japanese Government Laughing at Japanese People

Apparently it is not enough that The Japanese Government is Destroying Japan, now Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and his cabinet cronies are LAUGHING AT the victimized Japanese people and children over the issue of refusal to drink contaminated milk in Fukushima schools:

See also: Japanese Government vs Fukushima Citizens on The Right to Live


Tokyo May Have To Be Evacuated

Via Al Jazeera English

"The need to evacuate parts of the sprawling capital of 35 million, may have once seemed an incredible prospect, but some experts say the possibility can no longer be ignored."

See also: Japan Prediction: Nuclear Holocaust, Tokyo Evacuated


Japanese Government & TEPCO Have Lied & Failed

Via Fairewinds Associates August 21, 2011

New Data Supports Previous Fairewinds Analysis and has now proven that the Japanese Government & TEPCO have lied and failed to take full responsibility for the severity of the Fukushima radioactive contamination in Japan and the world.


Arnie Gundersen: "Burning of radioactive materials (building materials, trees, lawn grass, rice straw) by the Japanese government will cause radioactive Cesium to spread even further into areas within Japan that have been previously clean, and across the Pacific Ocean to North America."

UPDATE: Fukushima Robot Operator’s Blog Deleted

See also: Fukushima: One of The Greatest Disasters Ever


Japanese Government vs Fukushima Citizens on The Right to Live

Via pejorativeglut Jul 23, 2011

UPDATE: Per my suggestion, this video is now featured on Boing Boing.

UPDATE #2: This video is now featured on Gizmodo.

Here is a truly astounding and WTF unbelievable, must see video on how current Japanese government officials are mistreating, ignoring and insulting their very own citizens in Fukushima! These residents are located outside of the current 20-30 km evacuation zone. However, since more high levels of radiation are being discovered near their homes and schools, they want the government to increase the evacuation zone and financially support them and their families to evacuate. But, of course, the Japanese government does not want to do this as it would involve many more residents and cost much, much more. In the beginning of this video, the Director of Local Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters, Mr. Akira Satoh, answers some very serious questions from some very concerned Fukushima citizens:

Citizen: "As other people do, people in Fukushima have a right to avoid the radiation exposure and live a healthy life too. Don't you think so?"

Akira Satoh: "The government has tried to reduce the radiation exposure dose as much as it can."

Other citizens: "You didn't answer his question!"

Citizen: "So are you saying that they don't? They have that right don't they?

Akira Satoh: "I don't know if they have that right."

Can't believe it? Watch:

Above video was filmed and edited by some anonymous members of the Japanese Save Child website. English subtitles are 100% correct and were done by pejorativeglut.

The below picture is of Mr. Akira Satoh. Towards the end of the video, when he refused to accept the childrens' urine for radiation testing, they should have poured it all over him!

See also: Japan Prediction: Nuclear Holocaust, Tokyo Evacuated


Lady Gaga Profits from "Preying on Japan"

As reported earlier today by the bored certified psychic Taro-san, Lady Gaga has been recently hit with a FEDERAL CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT over the sale of her We Prey On Japan Bracelets:

Via NBC News (Dallas/Fort Worth) Sunday, Jun 26, 2011:

Lady Gaga Sued Over Japan Relief Bracelet Proceeds

"Just before she headlined Saturday night's Japan disaster relief benefit concert, Lady Gaga was sued over the bracelets she's been selling for the same cause."

"According to the federal class action, the do-gooder pop star wasn't exactly being honest when her Web site claimed all the proceeds from sales of her "We Pray for Japan" wristbands would go to help victims of the March earthquake and tsunami."


"Gaga's deceptive advertising and personal profits from the bracelets violated federal racketeering laws and a slew of consumer protection laws, too, the suit claimed."

"When we tried to communicate with the defendants in this lawsuit, all we got was, 'well, some of the money is being retained, but we don't really know how much,'" said the 1-800-LAW-FIRM lawyer who sued, Alyson Oliver."

Also, very recently, yet another "psychic revelation" was made by the mystic with this post: LADY GAGA TOPLESS IN TOKYO — now for real!

In addition to being suspected of masterminding the "Prey on Japan" scandal, rumors are now starting to circulate that "Mr. Crystal Bald" is, in fact, Lady Gaga's Gaijin sex slave:

Posing for Friendly Photos at Fukushima

Here is a delightful and ironic little clip of some friendly Fukushima workers posing for photos:

Watch another cute and adorable video of Three Earless Rabbits Born in China


Three Earless Rabbits Born in China

Last month a Fukushima Deformed Baby Rabbit w/ No Ears was discovered in the town of Namie just outside the 18-mile exclusion zone of Fukushima's crippled reactors. Since then, Namie has been identified as a radiation hot-spot.

Now three baby bunnies with no ears were recently born in China. These rabbits were discovered in Chengkou County, Chongqing Municipality of Southwest China. The earless rabbits have bald heads and gray eyes instead of hairy heads and red eyes. The rabbits' owner Aunt Geng was interviewed yesterday by CCTV:

Reporter: "Did the previous rabbits given birth by the same mother rabbit have ears?"

Aunt Geng: “The previous ones have ears. Only rabbits that were born this time don't.”

See also: Chinese Twins w/ 2 Heads 1 Body


Arnie Gundersen: Fukushima Situation Continues to Worsen

Arnie Gundersen provides his latest update on how the Fukushima nuclear disaster is continuing to get even worse:

See also: Fukushima: One of The Greatest Disasters Ever

UPDATE: Japan to Cover Damaged Nuclear Reactors with Giant Tents

Via My FoxNY

Published : Friday, 13 May 2011

(Dow Jones) - "Giant polyester covers will soon be placed around the damaged reactor buildings at Japan's Fukushima nuclear complex to help contain the release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere, the plant operator said Friday."

"Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) will install the first cover at the No. 1 reactor, the focus of recent stabilization efforts, starting next month."

"Workers will erect a steel framework and place a giant polyester tent-like cover around the reactor building. Similar covers will be placed around units No. 3 and 4. The work is expected to be completed by the end of the year."



Nuclear collapse in Fukushima Reactor No. 4

(May 10, 2011) Via Russia Today Dr Robert Jacobs a Research Associate Professor of Nuclear History and Culture at the Hiroshima Peace Institute gives us an update on the current nuclear disaster in Fukushima:

"Nuclear collapse looms? Fukushima No. 4 reactor 'leaning'"

See also: Japan Prediction: Nuclear Holocaust, Tokyo Evacuated


US Government views on Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Via the Jeff Rense Program, here is how the US Government views the current nuclear disaster in Fukushima:

See also: ‘Rather nude than nuke’

UPDATE: Here is Obama's official statement:


1991 GE Tokyo Electric Power TV Commercial

GE Brings Good Things To Death

Here is how the current Fukushima Nuclear disaster was started by GE and Tokyo Electric Power back in 1991.

"When Tokyo Electric Power gave GE our largest export order ever, it gave Tokyo the largest, most efficient power plant of its kind in the world. Which means more jobs for our people back home and a better future for the people of Japan."

GE Brings Good Things To Death

See also: Fukushima: One of The Greatest Disasters Ever
