Showing posts with label funny video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny video. Show all posts


Showry's Sexy Demonstration Video

In this highly educational video, Korea's wild and sexy Showry - 쇼리 demonstrates how to apply natural makeup:

Makeup 💄

Posted by Showry - 쇼리 on Saturday, January 2, 2016

Be sure to see more of this very sassy entertainer's videos here. Hint: She's quickly taking over the internets.


North Korean English Porno Story

DPRK Female Soldiers in Uniforms & High Heels!

Korea's Web Damsel Chip-Chan Goes Outside?


North Korean Comic Jugglers Live Show

North Korean Comic Jugglers Live Show

Here is a recent live performance video of a North Korean comic juggler duo entertaining a military audience. This rare, light-hearted stage act also includes a short segment that features a member from the crowd. It is interesting to see the enthusiastic audience reactions from the various jokes performed by the funny jugglers. Check it out:

North Korean Comic Jugglers Live Show

See also:

North Korean Version of "Take on Me"

North Korean Woodstock Music Festival Photo

The Pyongyang Circus Video


Chinese Military Multifunction Shovel Demo Video

Chinese Military Multifunction Shovel Demo Video

As each day passes now we see more and more Signs of The Coming Apocalypse. Earthquakes, tornadoes, wars, radiation, economic collapse, solar storms, alien UFO invasions etc. all seem to be happening much more often now than ever before.

But fear not as today we discovered the one tool which could save the world: The Chinese Military Multifunction Shovel:

Be sure to order yours now! Available in camouflage green and other colors.

See also: Japanese TV 1994: Dry Ice Esthetic Machine Demonstration Video


Kim Jong Il Invented Photoshop!

Via College Humor February 8, 2012

In this very educational demonstration video, Photoshop Project Manager Brian O'Neal Hughes shows us some tips on touching up publicity photos for the recent Great Leader's state funeral. He also reveals some other previously unknown secrets. Check it out:


When Kim Jong Il was born...

NMA TV on Kim Jong Il's Death

See also: North Korean Version of "Take on Me"


Hong Kong Face Slimmer Demo Video

In this short Hong Kong Face Slimmer Demo Video, Hsiao Mi shows how to use this 2-in-1 face-lift and thin neck roller. This manual roller device is much easier to use than the Japanese mouthpiece face slimmer. The mouthpiece model requires one to get into a bathtub, put the slimmer in their mouth and then repeat all of the Japanese vowels "a i u e o" 『あ い う え お』 over and over for three (3) minutes a day everyday for the rest of one's life.


This one is much easier to use.

This hand-held wheel type slimmer doesn't require any talking nor getting into a bathtub as one should just simply roll it around their face for about 10 minutes or so each night. It also costs less and while using it one can relax and watch TV at the same time. Apparently by doing this one can lift up their face and thin out those horrible double chins. Check out how Hsiao Mi starts using it when she says "Look Me":

See more about this product and other beauty products at AmiShophk By Shopping-Cart.Com.HK.

Related: Japan's New WTF "Face Slimmer" Plus Alpha


NMA TV's "Merry" Christmas Video

The world's most accurate, funny and satirical news organization has to be News Media Animation TV from Taiwan. And they have proved that once again with their very cynical NMA TV sings ‘Deck the Halls' 3D animation video:

NMA TV sings ‘Deck the Halls

See also: PETA Attacks Nintendo's Super Mario


Posing for Friendly Photos at Fukushima

Here is a delightful and ironic little clip of some friendly Fukushima workers posing for photos:

Watch another cute and adorable video of Three Earless Rabbits Born in China


Charlie Sheen in "Winning"

And now for something completely different. Whether you love him or hate him, this very funny mashup video of Charlie Sheen is really winning:


UPDATE: Despite being hospitalized three times in the past month, AND losing the highest paying job on TV AND recently losing custody of his sons, here is proof that Charlie Sheen is, in fact, winning:

charlie sheen winning


Chinese 'Kung Fu Fighting' Bicyle Video

Via Liveleak:

December 26, 2009

"Two thieves on a motor-scooter flew by and snatched a womans purse on a street in Wenzhou, China. Surveillance video shows a man riding a bicycle. As he was passing by the front of a hotel near where the thievery happened, he stopped, calmly got off his bicycle, picked it up, and then threw it at the thieves. The bicycle hit them, they lost control, and crashed to the ground.":


Balloon Boy Parody of The Balloon Boy Parody

Just recently released on Youtube, here is a very funny parody video of the Balloon Boy Parody:

And, the mother of the Balloon Boy (aka 'Falcon Heene') is Mayumi Heene who is Japanese.


Ha Ha Ha America by Jon Daniel Ligon

This is a short film produced in Shanghai and Wen Zhou China in 2006 by Jon Daniel Ligon entitled Ha Ha Ha America which features scenes of the amazing growth of China and, through the use of comic Engrish subtitles, also makes a very funny satirical laughing stock of the USA and the administration of former President George Bush.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Ha Ha Ha America by Jon Daniel Ligon


Funny Japanese TV: Foreigner in Japan Shop

Via Japan Probe

Here is a funny segment from the “Katakuri TV” show, in which a non-Japanese speaking foreigner buys some candy from some cute non-English speaking Japanese kids: