Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts


Flawed Fukushima Fruit & Vegetables w/ Radiation

Fresh Fukushima Fruit & Vegetables w/ Radiation
Two-Headed Corn

Via MSN Now July 15, 2013

Recent photos from a Korean website of many irradiated and malformed fruit and vegetables from Fukushima, Japan have gone viral and are now being reported by mainstream news entities. And these are not pretty pictures, indeed:

Deformed Peaches

Hand-Shaped Radish

Giant Cabbages

More photos...


Fukushima Deformed Baby Rabbit w/ No Ears

News Documentary on Food Safety in Japan


News Documentary on Food Safety in Japan

Two years after the March 11, 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan The New York Times has published a short news documentary entitled "In Japan, a Portrait of Mistrust" by Itai Keshet. In this he reports on some cases of public mistrust, fear and suspicion about the levels of radiation in food. Since the exact amount of radiation that was leaked from the Fukushima power plants has not yet been fully disclosed, various Japanese people express concern about the safety of food and where they live. In Japanese with English subtitles.


Forever Alone in The Nuke Zone of Fukushima 2013

Fukushima Housewife's Story of Nuclear Meltdown

1991 GE Tokyo Electric Power TV Commercial

Japan's Chim↑Pom‬ 'Super Rats' Attack Tokyo


WTF Food of a Chinese Walmart

We've all seen the wonderful WTF America pictures of the under & over dressed, obese, skinny and intoxicated People of Walmart:

Well, once again, not to be outdone in World Wide What The F@ckology (W.W.W.T.F.)©, we have now discovered yet another MAXIMUS WTFIMUS contender in this new photo essay entitled WTF Food of a Chinese Walmart (NSFL):

See also: Chinese Tentacle Pink Penis Fish