Showing posts with label Internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet. Show all posts


The All New Site is Up!

Julie Watai on the New

XXX Large Size


We are very happy and proud to announce that the all-new site is now up and running hot! It's all HTML5 valid and CSS3 valid as well. The interface is fully optimized for video render and playback on the iPhone and Android cell phones as well as the iPad and some recent video game machines! It features a super user friendly design based on the "Right Now WP Full Video, Image with Audio" template by elite designer Renkli Beyaz. It also supports mp3 playback as well as youtube, vimeo and playback from many other video sharing websites. Viewers can navigate by "drawing" on the screen! In the footer is a nice thumbnail photo scroll bar from which one can navigate very easily. It also has some other optional functions including a screen color picker and a google map contact verification form which we hope to soon enable. So come on down!

The All New is Up!


Asian Music TV Now Playing on TiVo

2013 Top Video Sharing Sites List


Photographer Hal's WTF Japan Plastic People Photos

Via January 29, 2012

Because of the rapid and ongoing evolution of the internet, many mainstream news media organizations are now facing sharp declines in viewer ratings and credibility. As a response to that problem, CBS News has broadened their run-of-the-mill news coverage to include WTF Japan in their recent report about Japan's very own Photographer Hal and his popular work of WTF photographs of plastic-wrapped people:

Photographer Hal's WTF Japan Plastic People Photos

Photographer Hal's WTF Japan Plastic People Photos

Photographer Hal devised this series in which he asked couples if they would be sealed in a plastic futon bag together while showing themselves as individuals and positioned as couples.

You can see many more interesting photos in this series at Photographer Hal's website

Related: Japanese Girls Still Sucking Door Knobs


Stop The Global ACTA Treaty!

Via Posted: 25 January 2012

Last week, 3 million of us beat back America's attack on our Internet! --- but there is an even bigger threat out there, and our global movement for freedom online is perfectly poised to kill it for good.

ACTA - a global treaty - could allow corporations to censor the Internet. Negotiated in secret by a small number of rich countries and corporate powers, it would set up a shadowy new anti-counterfeiting body to allow private interests to police everything that we do online and impose massive penalties -- even prison sentences -- against people they say have harmed their business.

Stop The Global ACTA Treaty!

Please sign the petition!


NMA TV on The Megaupload Bust

The very funny and ever reliable NMA.TV has just now weighed in on yesterday's shutdown of and the arrest of its founder Kim Dotcom:

See more hilarious news updates at Next Media News Animation TV


Justin Beiber Concert in North Korea

Last year it was heavily rumored that Justin Beiber was to include North Korea in his 'My World Tour'. However, that rumor was said to just be an internet prank.

But now suddenly a new video has surfaced of a live performance by J-Beebs in Pyongyang! However he only sang one song as apparently the Beiber Fever has afflicted many North Korean people in a very bad way and therefore he was not well received:

Related: When Kim Jong Il was born...

NMA TV on Kim Jong Il's Death



David Bowie's "Toy" Internet Smash Hit

Just a few days ago, David Bowie's unreleased album Toy was leaked online:

"A decade after it was shelved by his label, David Bowie's 23rd studio album has been leaked on the internet. Toy, conceived as a reimagining of Bowie's early work, appeared on file-sharing websites this week, with Bowie's reps refusing to comment."

"A week after an Australian man sold a purported copy of Toy on eBay (it sold for £62.98), a CD-quality MP3 version of the album suddenly appeared on BitTorrent, spreading like (ziggy) stardust."

And, as usual, here is another account on how Toy was leaked:

"The album's original uploader goes by the online nickname Brigstow which is a word play on where he comes from - Bristol, UK."

"Brigstow's reasons for uploading "Toy" sound just as unconventional as the site he chose to upload the album on. He wanted to put a stop to what he considered gross exploitation from eBay sellers that were posting "Toy" album CDs for auction starting at as much as $55 per piece."

"Brigstow stated categorically that the upload was based on a bootleg CD he bought, although initial rumors had stated the unknown uploader had bought the CD from Australia via eBay.


Well, now it is all on Youtube and here is one of the highlights entitled "Shadow Man":

Listen to all of the tracks on "Toy"


Japan's Earthquake Alarm System TV Broadcast

Here is a truly incredible video showing how Japan's ElarmS system worked:

"ElarmS, or Earthquake Alarm Systems, can provide warning of ground shaking during an earthquake. The objective is to rapidly detect the initiation of an earthquake, estimate the level of ground shaking to be expected, and issue a warning before significant ground shaking starts."


Help Japan with your website or blog

Help Japan with a couple lines of code on you website

"The Hello Bar is a simple website toolbar that engages users and communicates a call to action. With the disaster in Japan getting worse, many people are looking for ways to help in whatever way possible. If you are unable to donate, or to offer your services, you can help if you run a website. Hello Bar which is simple piece of code that is put in the body tag within your website, which will display a bar on the top of your website can help with the promotion and help influence people to donate. Larger website will no doubt start using their own techniques in helping promote the need for aid for Japan, and what better way to do this than to put a bar across the top of the screen which wont go unseen."

This is a donation request for the American Red Cross. Copy and paste the below HTML code into the body tag of your website or blog:

See more here.



Dear Friends,

Have you heard about the “internet kill switch”? It gives governments the technical or legal power to cut off their entire country’s internet access, and it’s no longer just a pipedream of dictators, but a very real threat to all of us who use the internet around the world.

Egypt used it last week, Austria’s already got it, the U.S. has a law drafted to establish it, while other governments across the globe are testing to see how easily they could plunge their country into an information blackout. And they can do it one of two ways: either by creating the legal authority that gives them the power to demand that the internet service providers (ISPs) operating in their country shut down, or by configuring a “switch” that controls their country’s entire internet infrastructure.

Just because we use the internet everyday, doesn’t mean we always will be able to do so. A global movement of internet users can help stop our governments (democratic and authoritarian alike) from acquiring an internet kill switch, but only if we act fast. Add your name to our global "Stop the Switch" petition, which we'll deliver to those countries considering the switch and globally to the United Nations, which is meeting soon to discuss freedom of speech online:

From Australia to Zimbabwe, we see how vital access to the internet, both on computers and mobile phones, is for people to freely express themselves. An internet kill switch puts your ability to communicate with friends and family online in jeopardy by placing control over the internet firmly into the hands of your government, who may not necessarily have your interests and rights in mind when they flip the switch.

With the U.S. just a few votes away from giving President Obama and any of his successors ultimate control over the country’s internet access, imagine what is being considered in other countries across the world. We need a global internet uprising to protect our rights, and we are starting at the top with the United Nations. Please join our call before the internet kill switch becomes the global norm:

As online communication becomes an increasingly important part of all aspects of our lives, governments have sought to censor, filter, surveil, and now, shut off access to these vital tools. Just imagine if your government decided to switch your internet -- and you -- off.

In Egypt, using powers granted to Mubarak under emergency law, the government was able to shut off the internet with a couple of phone calls to each of the internet service providers (ISPs) operating in Egypt. Egyptians employed innovative work-arounds to avoid the shutdown like using international dial-up, but do we really want to resort to that? Lets draw a line in the sand as governments around the world race to acquire an "internet kill switch."

Governments habitually put their own survival above the well being of their people. The only real deterrent to the internet kill switch is us -- a global movement for digital freedom; please join the international campaign to “Stop the Switch!”

With hope,
The Access Team

P.S. If you missed our live web symposium last week on The Middle East, The Revolution, & The Internet, you can watch it at:

P.P.S. You can also read Access' open letter to Vodafone's CEO here:

For more information on the internet kill switch see: