
Japan's Chim↑Pom‬ 'Super Rats' Attack Tokyo

Via Huffington Post 10/25/11

Just after the 3-11 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster that struck Fukushima, world wide media immediately focused on Japan. Shortly after that, a group of Japanese artists known as ‪Chim↑Pom‬ launched their own nuclear art attack on Tokyo's Shibuya station and added a very relevant and explosive guerrilla installation to Taro Okamoto's "Myth of Tomorrow" mural which is an historical homage to Japan's previous nuclear holocausts:

This installation piece entitled "Level 7 feat. Myth of Tomorrow" created a big scandal as at first it was anonymously featured in world news and Japanese headlines. This work was very skillfully done in order to blend in with Okamoto's style. Within an hour from installation it was all over Twitter and other social sites. Then it was quickly reported by mainstream Japanese media. A day later it was taken down by the police and called "graffiti" and "malicious mischief." A police investigation followed and public debates in the press and on the internet discussed whether or not it was a crime. Soon afterwards ‪Chim↑Pom‬ released this video on Youtube:

and created even more controversy! Following that the group held a press conference and admitted that it was their work and added it to their ensuing "Real Times" exhibition which was held from May 20th - May 25th in Tokyo and from June 20th - 27th in Osaka. After both exhibitions, the police came and investigated the group's leaders and the "graffiti" case was sent to court early in July.

Well, now ‪Chim↑Pom‬ is making world wide headlines once again with their new "Super Rat" exhibit. In this installation they have further developed their shock art style by catching a bunch of big, huge rats in Shibuya's Centa Gai area and making them into taxidermic Pikachus aimed at Japanese girls who dress up as the famous anime character and ravage Shibuya in hordes:

Here is a recent interview with the group:

IMHO, more of this kind of art really needs to be made in Japan today. For more information about the legendary ‪Chim↑Pom‬, please visit their official website.


NMA TV: Who Will Buy Yahoo?

Taiwan's Next Media Animation recently released this funny 3D animation news report on Who Will Buy Yahoo?:

Google, Private-Equity Firms Mull Bid For Yahoo

"Google and prospective partners have held early-stage discussions but haven't put together a formal proposal and Google may end up not pursuing a bid, this person said. It is unclear which private-equity firms Google has talked to."

"As Microsoft and other companies consider buying search engine and media company Yahoo, questions arise over how much the company is worth, MarketWatch's Dan Gallagher reports on Markets Hub."

"Any deal tying two of the biggest Internet companies would be sure to attract antitrust scrutiny. Federal antitrust lawyers in 2008 thwarted a Web-search advertising partnership between the companies. A year later Yahoo signed a 10-year search partnership with Microsoft Corp."




SNL: J-Pop America Fun Time Now!

As seen on a recent episode of Saturday Night Live, three college students (weaboos) celebrate their love of Japanese culture with their TV show J-Pop America Fun Time Now on Michigan State Campus TV:

See also: Tommy Lee Jones Acts Like a Boss for Suntory


3D Kitchen by Rob Pongi

Here is my 3D Kitchen done in Cinema 4D Vray and Photoshop:

To see a larger version of this image click here.


WTF Japan: TOTO's Toilet Poop Bike

First came the delectable invention of poopburgers from Japan of course.

And now just when you thought you've had enough of this WTF Japan crap, the well-known Japanese toilet maker, TOTO, has just introduced the all-new toilet poop bike that runs on human excrement:

Yes, that's right long riders, you don't need to take anymore truck stop breaks as you can keep on riding while pooping. Check it out:

Just kidding. It doesn't work that way. And this model is obviously a promo for the toilet manufacture. But wait, there's more! This new shit cycle also plays music, talks and generates some kind of “residual light imagery to write messages in the air as it zooms by.” Whatever.

See also: Japanese Bikini Girls Playing in Shit


David Bowie "Five Years" Tokyo Live

For decades, people all around the world have listened to David Bowie's Five Years and/or watched this live in Tokyo video or other video versions of it millions and millions of times. But watching and listening to it today, one can really understand this song's profound significance:

"Pushing thru the market square, so many mothers sighing
News had just come over, we had five years left to cry in
News guy wept and told us, earth was really dying
Cried so much his face was wet, then I knew he was not lying..."

See also: David Bowie's "Toy" Internet Smash Hit


Thank You Steve Jobs

Thank you for thinking different and being one of the crazy ones:


Japanese Government Laughing at Japanese People

Apparently it is not enough that The Japanese Government is Destroying Japan, now Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and his cabinet cronies are LAUGHING AT the victimized Japanese people and children over the issue of refusal to drink contaminated milk in Fukushima schools:

See also: Japanese Government vs Fukushima Citizens on The Right to Live


"Rocketeer": Award Winning Hong Kong TVC

"Rocketeer" is a very creative, funny and award-winning Hong Kong television commercial for NutriGreen's LDF Cordyceps Health Supplement:

According to the main actor in this commercial, Jayson Li:

"The campaign I worked on for NutriGreen's LDF Cordyceps Health Supplement (《綠養坊》LDF純冬蟲夏草) was launched not too long ago. The "Rocketeer" campaign consists of a television commercial, directed by Chan Man Chung, and a print ad with the production house being Film Factory and the advertising agency being Leo Burnett Hong Kong. The TVC was recently featured in the Chinese language newspaper Ming Pao (明報), Attuworld Nederland and on Virgin Radio Toronto. The TVC was also recently screened at the Cannes Lions 58th International Festival of Creativity which was held at the Palais de Festivals in Cannes, France."

Note: This commercial was also selected as a winner in the 2011 Spikes Asia - Asia's Creative Advertising Festival and Awards.

Brief Explanation:

"Most people in Hong Kong live a crazily hectic life - long working hours, overtime on weekends, and a packed social life. Most of them feel drained before they even get up in the morning. To dramatize this phenomenon, this commercial shows how a businessman loses his energy before he even gets to work. The answer of course, is Nutrigreen LDF Cordyceps, a health supplement that helps people maintain their energy level throughout the day".

See also: Hilarious 7up Chinese TV Commercial


"Japan is Finished"

As seen at Kobe station the other day:

Japan is Finished

「日本は終了しました。」= "Japan is finished."

Actually, this is either a very good photoshop edit or the sign's letters were reversed as 「本日は終了しました。」= "Today's (train service) is finished." is very commonly seen in train stations all over the nation.

Related: The Japanese Government is Destroying Japan


Tokyo May Have To Be Evacuated

Via Al Jazeera English

"The need to evacuate parts of the sprawling capital of 35 million, may have once seemed an incredible prospect, but some experts say the possibility can no longer be ignored."

See also: Japan Prediction: Nuclear Holocaust, Tokyo Evacuated


"Heavy Metal Flower Power" by Rob Pongi

Here is an abstract 3D scene entitled "Heavy Metal Flower Power." Modeled, textured, rendered in Cinema 4D and composite edited in Photoshop by Rob Pongi:

To see a larger version of this piece click here.


WTF Food of a Chinese Walmart

We've all seen the wonderful WTF America pictures of the under & over dressed, obese, skinny and intoxicated People of Walmart:

Well, once again, not to be outdone in World Wide What The F@ckology (W.W.W.T.F.)©, we have now discovered yet another MAXIMUS WTFIMUS contender in this new photo essay entitled WTF Food of a Chinese Walmart (NSFL):

See also: Chinese Tentacle Pink Penis Fish


Japanese High School Girl Luvin' It

Here is another exclusive photo of a Japanese High School Girl riding Ronald McDonald and Luvin' It!

See also: Japanese High School Girl's Pussy


Tommy Lee Jones Acts Like a Boss for Suntory

Tommy Lee Jones Boss Coffee Remember Bill Murray's struggling Suntory whiskey endorsement in Lost In Translation? Well that same maker has been producing a humorous TV commercial series for Boss Coffee starring Hollywood heavyweight Tommy Lee Jones.

Apparently, the original story line for this long-running ad campaign is that Tommy Lee and other Hollywood celebrities, are real supernatural, outer space aliens who lived and worked in Japan. Then after working various jobs, one day they all have to leave and return to their home planet. Sound familiar? Well for this series, one special extraterrestrial (TLJ) just has to come back to earth and Japan for some more Suntory Boss Coffee. And in this hilarious episode Tommy Lee really acts like a boss as a very strict high school teacher:

Note: The above clip is episode #34. For even more laughs be sure to see episodes 1-23 here.

See also: Funny Japanese TV Commercials for Softbank.


Art Review: "Rex Ray Clowns"

One day a couple years ago, I was clowning around on Bowienet, and as usual, I got a little carried away and then, literally, BLOWN AWAY when I received the below collage as a response from the well-known artist Rex Ray:

And I don't know what it all means "FU", "ForU", "FapU" or whatever, but to be so noted by one of the world's greatest contemporary fine artists, is indeed, quite an honor. Nevertheless, I plan on creating some kind of artistic response soon. So stay tuned!

Anyway, just a couple of days ago, Mr. Ray unveiled a truly stunning new series of paintings entitled "Rex Ray Clowns":

Up until now, this highly acclaimed artist has mostly been known for his prolific fine art work in collage, graphic design, interior design, commercial art and popular entertainment media.

However, this new series marks a significant development in Ray's stellar career and presents a whole new remarkable side of the artist's true talent and incredible vision. What makes this recent launch so appealing is Ray's photorealistic style of painting or Trompe-l'œil which, essentially, brings these cartoon character portraits to life in a kind of surreal "Disneyesque" manner.

At first look, with all of the clowns clustered together on his new Ha Ha Said The Clowns site, some early reviews have said that this new set is "scary" or "evil" in a positive way of course. And, obviously, some of the paintings do depict such human emotions and personifications.

However looking closer at each individual portrait, it is clearly seen that these oils encapsulate many other human expressions of sadness, happiness, silliness, and love. In a very clever style that is not unlike life itself, Ray presents all of these emotions through the use of prominent smiling faces in these caricatures, thus giving us an even higher level of perspective into his true artistic genius.

To read more news about Rex Ray, please visit his official website.


WTF Chinese Pedobear Sex Ed Nursery School

In today's WTF China Daily News, it has been reported that many people in Beijing, Shanghai and other Chinese cities have become quite concerned about a small privately run nursery school named "Readers" located in Zhengzhou. This small school has recently introduced a new kind of sex education class with "live versions of dolls" or toy dolls which include complete replicas of human reproductive organs.

On Saturday, September 3rd the below news video was broadcast on China's CNS TV:

The owner of the school claims that most of their sex education classes are "custom made, and others from some of the children's parents."

Also China's Ten Cent News , a subsidiary of Japan's 3Yen Daily News Organization, recently reported the following dialogue heard from within the "Readers" pedobear training center nursery school:

Hou teacher asked: "So how did you go into the womb of it?"

Girl Momo answer in a show of hands: "father's sperm to find the mother's egg, and then I had planted in the womb!"

"Her answer was right?"


"Well, that is how sperm find the egg it, come join us to do a finger exercise it!"

See also:

Chinese Tentacle Pink Penis Fish

How to Become A Pedobear