
NMA TV 3D News on John Travolta Lawsuit

NMA TV 3D News on John Travolta Lawsuit

Via NMA TV May 10, 2012

On Tuesday Taiwan's Next Media Animation TV released their funny 3D animation news video about the John Travolta sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him by a an anonymous masseuse. And on the very next day a second anonymous masseuse came forward with similar allegations of sexual battery and harassment against Mr. Saturday Night Fever. So perhaps NMA TV will publish a follow up video or more as this story goes on? Well, here is their first hilarious 3D video on this news:

See more funny 3D news clips at NMA TV.


Al Gore Sex Scandal Taiwan News Animation

WTF Cherry Sexual Harassment Space


NSFW Japanese Program Squeezes Out Breast Milk

New Japanese Program Squeezes Out Breast Milk

Via Rocket News 24 May 9, 2012

An oversexed and very talented Japanese internet geek named Kamutaro has just released a new NSFW, WTF, and Forever Alone computer program that allows anyone to squeeze out breast milk from anything.

On May 8, Ksmutaro uploaded the below NSFW video that demonstrates how his new breast milk program works. But, at first, he is frustrated when it doesn't work and he hits the monitor a few times. He then shows us two real steamed buns and writes in Japanese subtitles that he is "finally ready to squeeze out some milk." So he then squeezes the buns, but, of course, nothing happens.

Then at 0:55 of the video we see his fingers on the computer monitor making a squeezing motion. Somehow this interacts with the manga image and animated milk starts to spray out from the manga girl's breast. Then he shows us the computer setup and how he now can squeeze the steamed buns and on the monitor the animated milk gushes out of them. Later on in the video he explains:
“Background differencing allows the program to detect hand movements within the specified field. The amount and trajectory of milk is calculated using my own original formula.”

It’s after this that the video suddenly transforms from hilarious to call-the-cops creepy as Kamutaro violates the altered image of a premature female anime character: “Milk Mai’s school uniform! You can milk big breasts and small breasts! I removed her clothes, but there’s no nipple so this isn’t porn!”
You have to see this to believe it:

Note: This video is NSFW


Japan's Forever Alone Kissing Poster

Japanese Virtual Web Sex Technology

China Sex Toy Factory NSFW Photos


Hong Kong Speed Dating "Dinner With Foreigners"

Hong Kong Speed Dating Dinner With Foreigners

The folks over at HK Speed Dating are running a new green card speed dating campaign entitled "Dinner With Foreigners". The current exchange rate between the Hong Kong Dollar and US Dollar is 0.1288. So the price for speed dating women with this group is HK $4800 x 0.1288 = US $618.24. Oh, almost forgot, the women also have to be single. But, apparently, the foreign men do not have to be single and they get in free. Also includes a free dinner too. Sounds great!

Here is a recent news video about how all of this is now considered to be "disgusting":

See also:

Yu Darvish Dating A Japanese Porn Star?

Japan's Horse Racing Dating Game


High Level Asian Photographers in Action

The iconic image of the Asian tourist with a high quality level camera strapped around his neck has been seen throughout the world for many years now. But has anyone ever photographed the Asian tourist photographer in action before? Well someone recently did just that and uploaded a boatload of some funny pictures like these below:

High Level Asian Photographers in Action
High Level Asian Photographers in Action
High Level Asian Photographers in Action

High Level Asian Photographers in Action

High Level Asian Photographers in Action

Be sure to see moar funny photographer pics.

See also:

Photographer Hal's WTF Japan Plastic People Photos

Young Japanese Girls Sucking Door Knobs


Yodeler Takeo Ishi Sings "New Bibi-chicken"

Yodeler Takeo Ischi Sings New Bibi-chicken

Well-known and loved for decades, the television/radio star yodeler Takeo Ishi is now going viral on the internets with this hilarious WTF and beautiful music video entitled: "New Bibi-chicken":

Ishi began yodeling as a student and practiced in the mountains of Japan. He joined the "Alpine Yodeling" club and wound up on Japanese TV in a short time. He then went to Switzerland and sang in a restaurant for tourists and was immediately hired. That was the beginning of a 20+ year singing career in Europe. Along the way he teamed up with master yodeler Franzl Lang and since then has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows throughout Europe. Now he is becoming very popular on the web. He lives in Germany with his family and is very highly regarded as an amazing talent in the genre of yodel music.

See also:

Julie Watai & mishmash* Debut Single "Roll of Love"

Japan's #1 Forever Alone Musician



2012 Beijing Auto Show Model Li Ying Zhi

2012 Beijing Auto Show Model Li Ying Zhi

Via Hug China April 30, 2012

China's stunning mannequin supermodel Li Ying Zhi appeared at the 2012 Beijing Auto Show last week in a very provocative and super sexy diamond-studded dress valued at 100 million yuan or about 15 million dollars. Apparently, this has caused quite an uproar in China and throughout Chinese social media networks and internet blogs. She is 22 years old and is nicknamed the “Beauty of Qingdao” as she comes from Qingdao in the Shandong Province. Li has appeared in many local and international modeling shows and is a very popular internet celebrity and actress. Below is a short variety news clip from her controversial appearance as a BMW model at the Beijing auto show last week:

For more on this story please read Sexy Chinese Model Li Yingzhi shines at Beijing auto show.


Tokyo Auto Salon Models 2012

Japanese Models @ Tokyo Auto Salon 2009

Is China A Racist Country?

Below is a photo of an advertisement placed by the Cambridge Kids English Centre in Guangzhou, China for a part-time ESL teacher. In the title it clearly states:

"Native kids English teacher (Black or White) 18,000 rmb"

Also at the bottom of this ad it states:

"you can apply if you are black with good teaching experience and a valid visa"

but then:

"BLACK teachers get 14,000rmb" (>_<)

Is China A Racist Country?

The folks at the the Cambridge Kids English Centre have taken this ad down, but the cached page of it can still be seen here in Yahoo.


Is Japan a Racist Country?

Teach English in Fukushima Japan


Skateboarders Film Kim Il Sung's 100th Birthday Bash

Skateboarders Film Kim Il Sung's 100th Birthday Bash in The DPRK

Via The Atlantic Apr 30 2012

A team of skateboarders were not allowed to skate in Pyongyang, so the video maker of the group, Patrik Wallner, turned his camera to the The 100th Birthday Celebration of Kim Il Sung in North Korea and created a beautiful short documentary of the eternal leader's big birthday extravaganza. From their Virtualtravelling website:
Traveling to Hermit Kingdom is already bizarre enough, but when we heard that North Korea would be celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the Great Leader & eternal president, Kim Il-sung, there was no way to let such an epic birthday party slip through our hands. Laurence Keefe, Kirill Korobkov and I flew over to Pyongyang for two days to witness the madness. While skateboarding within the DPRK was our main intention, it was overshadowed by the celebrations & the 'no sliding' anywhere rule. The three minute clip portrays a small insight into North Korea from the 15th of April 2012.

And here is the clip entitled "Kim Il Sung's Birthday Party":

Visualtraveling - 'Kim Il-Sung's Birthday Party' from Patrik Wallner on Vimeo.

See more beautiful photos and videos of Asia at Virtualtravelling.


From North Korea: 'Pyongyang Style' by Steve Gong

The 100th Birthday of Kim Il Sung in North Korea

DPRK Kimilsungia Flower Show 2012

Visit New North Korea Best Korea!

Chinese Engrish T-Shirt: Spend Calm Life

Beautiful Model Wearing a Chinese Engrish T-Shirt: Spend Calm Life

XXX Large Size

The above photo features a beautiful model wearing a funny Chinese Engrish T-Shirt entitled "Spend Calm Life" and we have provided the below "translation":
The special indicating
Blood Me.

Obviously, this is another attempt by China to overthrow the world's Engrish superpower Japan.


Japanese Engrish Teacher Teaches Engrish

Thailand Engrish Visa Instructions


Hardware Girls Mayu and Eyetaso of Cutie Pai

Hardware Girls Mayu and Eyetaso of Cutie Pai

Just released today here is a beautiful photo of Mayu and Eyetaso of the techno/anime music idol unit Cutie Pai. Mayu (left) is the lead singer and keyboard player and she is wearing a Necomimi on her head. Eyetaso (aka. Julie Watai) is the backup singer/dancer and the video jockey when Mayu does solo performances. Cutie Pai is a self-produced group who, unlike other idol groups, write their own songs, design the costumes they wear and dance and sing very well.

Here they are performing their original songs "Techno Doll" and "Spicy Chelsea" in Koenji, Tokyo June 2010:

Be sure to pick up a Cutie Pai CD and the Hardware Girls Magazine today!


Mayu of Cutie Pai by Julie Watai


The Truth on China's Dangerous Holes

Chinese girl falls down a sidewalk hole in Xi'an

Via News on Japan April 25, 2012

Yesterday the world was stunned by the CCTV video of a teenage Chinese girl falling into a six-meter (19-foot) deep sidewalk hole in the city of Xi'an in northern China. She was rescued by taxi driver Wang Wei and the local fire department. She was unhurt and according to CNN her parents contacted Wang Wei to thank him for his brave rescue. Here is a news video about this from The Huffington Post:

Taxi driver turned hero - Wang Wei:

Taxi Drive Wang Wei

The article in the Huffington post also mentions that earlier this month a woman in Beijing died after a sidewalk collapse sent her plummeting into a pool of scalding water. But what the Huff Post and other mass media news organizations did not report is that this kind of accident occurs fairly often throughout China.

According to the blogger Liuzhou Laowai there have been many people (and at least one water buffalo) of Liuzhou, China that have unfortunately fallen into sidewalk holes, wells and cesspools. Most were taken to the hospital and treated for injuries but some did not make it. This blogger has been reporting and joking about the "ancient and noble art" of falling down holes for many years now and has a shocking archive of such accidents.

So why does this happen so often in China? Well, apparently, the necessary safety regulations either don't exist or they are not followed by companies involved in road work, sidewalk work and other public projects. Also, according to the Liuzhou Laowai "manhole covers are also regularly stolen for their scrap metal value". O.O

So why is that so? Well the only answer available for that inquiry is "Because China".


Why, China Why? Because China #3


NSFW Iiniku Ushijima Sexy Video

NSFW Iiniku Ushijima Sexy Video

Via Dailymotion Here is a beautiful and NSFW sexy video of one of Japan's hottest gravure idols Iiniku Ushijima. Check this out:

iiniku ushijima by noji258

NSFW Iiniku Ushijima Sexy Video

Be sure to get your favorite Iiniku Ushijima merchandise at Amazon Japan.


Iiniku Ushijima Photo by Julie Watai

NMA TV on NBA's World Peace Violence

NMA TV on NBA's World Peace Violence

Recently Metta World Peace aka. "Ron Artest" of the LA Lakers reverted back to his violent ways and now is in trouble once again with the NBA. His latest eruption happened in Sunday's game against the Oklahoma City Thunder. World Peace started celebrating a slam dunk by pounding his chest and then suddenly he viciously elbowed James Harden's head and knocked him to the floorboards. This earned Artest a flagrant foul and a game ejection but, of course, he claimed it was unintentional:
"It was unfortunate that James had to get hit with an unintentional elbow," World Peace said. "I hope he's OK."
However the NBA thinks otherwise and is now deciding on the length of Artest's upcoming suspension. This event is quite controversial with some fans claiming it was an accident and others saying that Artest should be banned from the NBA altogether. Either way this foul/accident is very disappointing for the NBA as this current season has seen an increase in violence on the court overall.

Not missing a beat, Taiwan's News Media Animation TV just weighed in on this whole mess with a very funny 3D animation news video:


Taiwan's Take on NHL Playoff Violence


Because China: Panda Bully on China Airways

Because China: Panda Bully on China Airways

In the above photo from China Airways we see the infamous Panda Bully who has been known to cause havoc in office buildings, kitchens and supermarkets throughout Asia and the rest of the world. Don't believe it? Think its Photoshopped? Well just watch the below video and keep reading:

According to Snopes the above photo is, in fact, a real panda named "Squee Squee" with his caretaker, Fu Jiang Lang on a trip to a zoo in the USA. China Airways is a sponsor of the panda sanctuary at Cheng Du and they donated two business class seats for the transfer of Squee Squee to his new home. They decided that giving him and his caretaker passenger seating would be much safer than putting the panda in the cargo hold. So the above photo is real and the TV commercials are for Panda Cheese by Advance Marketing for Arab Dairy. The background music is the Buddy Holly song "True Love Ways." And yes this is all old internets, but you know just like North Korea is Best Korea it is true that Old Internets is Best Internets.


Why, China Why? Because China #5