
The Start of the Japanese Revolution!

Earlier this year, Gifu Prefecture's very own Javanese gamelan ensemble Sekar Melati, marked the beginning of the imminent Japanese revolution with their deceptively cute and upbeat cover of Gang of Four's "Not Great Men":

And here is Gang of Four performing this song at Fuji Rock Festival in 2005:

See also: Korean Kids Sing The Ramones


  1. Nice! Let the revolution begin!

  2. Yet another reason to love the Japanese.

  3. An NHK spokes man rebelled against NHK

    "We can no longer expect anything from the government or organizations. No, no anymore. We must move by ourselves. Let’s think by ourselves. We must change this country. This is our nation. We shall stop giving the power to someone else. Let’s rule ourselves. We are the one. We have realized “something”, that’s why we are connected to each other like now. so, let’s move."
