I have been searching something in all my life, with hollow in my mind. I would be swallowed by the deepest blue as soon as looking into it
I always pretend to be not interested in, even if I expected to. apart from touch by anyone.
Are you kidding? Actually you are so wired.
It is so free as lonesome, beacuse I can decide anything. I have nostalgia for inconvenience caused by being with someone together.
In the city of night where many lights are together I used to be tearing at somewhere, it blinked, It's translucent days.
I was stranger there, Nothing left but to go home and sleep. It is same about a future I hope or a future you won't hope.
It is so free as lonesome, beacuse I can decide anything. I have nostalgia for inconvenience caused by being with someone together.
It is so free as lonesome, this feeling with transparency. I was waiting in sun shower, but that guys were in sunlight.
一生かかっても埋まらないから探し続けている 覗きこんだそばから吸い込まれそう どこまでも深い青
期待しててもいつも知らん顔 誰にも触れられないように 実は理不尽なのは君の方 まるで子供みたいに
寂しいくらいに自由に 何もかもを決められるから 誰かが居る不自由さを 今は懐かしく思うよ
無数の光の粒ひしめき合う夜の町の中で どこかで泣いてるあの頃瞬く 半透明な日々
良く知らない子たちと遊んだ あとは帰って眠るだけ 私の望む未来も きっと 君が望まない未来も
寂しいくらいに自由さ 何もかもを決められるなら 誰かが居る不自由さを 今は懐かしく思うよ
寂しいくらいに自由で 透き通るこの気持ち 天気雨の中を待っていた あの人は陽射しの中
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