Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts


Meet Chinese "Godfather" Zhou Yongkang

Via China Uncensored May 3, 2013

Most likely you have heard at least some of Kim Jong Un's recent political sabre rattling and his plans to destroy the US, South Korea and Japan blah blah blah ad nauseum. However, very recently it has become more and more quiet up North as with each day that passes, no "enemy states" of "The Dear Leader" have yet to spontaneously burst into flames or just surrender. Oh wait a minute! Actually France did surrender to North Korea last month. So that makes the score North Korea 1 vs. The Rest of The World 0. So it appears as though North Korea is "winning". OK, fine.

Now back to the main theme here. Which is, most likely, you've heard of the legendary movie "The Godfather". Well, there is a very dark, shadowy figure who is, among other thugs things, Kim Jong Un's "Chinese Godfather". And today is our lucky day as we all get to meet the man with a sinister plan, the man who enjoys throwing political dissidents into Masanjia Labor Death Camp and other illegal prisons. The man who was the former head of the CCP's Super Secret Police who once commanded an annual budget that was larger than China's military! The man who once controlled the entire nations' oil industry! The man - as Chris Chappell so hilariously describes him - as a "people person. That is, he is a person who spends a lot of his time torturing - people." And, finally, the man who has enough political and economic power to start a nuclear World War Three (or at least another Korean war), ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the one, the only Zhou Yongkang:


See also:

North Korea's Ex-Super Spy Kim Hyon Hui

DPRK's Moranbong Band Destroys The World


Ex Japanese CEO Arrested, Yakuza Ties Suspected

Here we go again...

Tokyo Police Arrest Ex-Ceo For Stock Market Manipulation; Yakuza Links NOVEMBER 23, 2011 | JAKE ADELSTEIN

On charges of violating the financial instruments and exchange law (金融商品取引法違反容疑), Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Organized Crime Control Division (警視庁組織犯罪対策部)arrested the ex-CEO of a Tokyo Stock Exchange listed company on November 22rd. Members of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Japan’s largest crime syndicate, a yakuza group, are said to have been involved in the crime.
The company was not Olympus and the man arrested was not Tsuyoshi Kikukawa, the former CEO of Olympus. Continued...

See also: Blendtec's Olympus Camera Prophecy Video


Indie Japanese Sci-Fi Short "Source"

Here is an awesome indie Japanese science fiction/crime short film with English subtitles entitled Source:

AD 2044, Japan's once strong prestige in the international community has

tarnished after years of economic stagnation.

In order to reclaim its prestige, the National Strategy Bureau has resorted to an extravagant series of mass media psyops.  

This program is called "Source".

Independent Short Film

Director : A.T.

Producer : Miyo Koya

D.o.P : Yuichiro Otsuka

Visual Effects : finitto inc.

Production design : Hideo Gunji

Lighting design : Katsumi Nakayama

music : Reiji Kitazato/BACKSLASH

sound design : Kazushi Miyakoda

costume styling : Kyohei Ogawa

grip : RISE GRIP Ltd.

Location coordinator : Sun Planet

Production : TYO productions

format : REDmx

See also: Blade Runner Tribute Short by Sam Nicholoson


Toyko Vice: Jake Adelstein on Jon Stewart

Via The Daily Show:

Jake Adelstein appears on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and talks about his new book and more:


The Yakuza Own Japan & are EXPANDING!!! — This is a very rare, highly accurate and overall excellent story on the modern-day Japanese Yakuza Mafia written by Jake Adelstein for the Washington Post. Mr. Adelstein is a very brave man who used to cover crime while living in Japan for 15 years. The Yakuza are very rarely reported on like this by any journalist and they want to kill Adelstein.

read more | digg story