
Nuclear collapse in Fukushima Reactor No. 4

(May 10, 2011) Via Russia Today Dr Robert Jacobs a Research Associate Professor of Nuclear History and Culture at the Hiroshima Peace Institute gives us an update on the current nuclear disaster in Fukushima:

"Nuclear collapse looms? Fukushima No. 4 reactor 'leaning'"

See also: Japan Prediction: Nuclear Holocaust, Tokyo Evacuated


Japanese Cats Ears For "Communication"

This latest wacky Japanese fashion invention called "Necomimi" comes from the nerowear company. This is a headband that receives brain transmissions and activates the pink pussycat ears to express "communication" or interest in someone or some thing:

This is somewhat reminiscent of the Aum Shinrikyo's very own invention of the Perfect Salvation Initiation Cap that would "stimulate the brain and synchronize the brain waves with those of the master." Riiight.

See also: Coming Soon: 'NINGEN GAKKI'

Japan: The Place of Dreams


See also: Japan Prediction: Nuclear Holocaust, Tokyo Evacuated


NMA TV: Osama Bin Laden 3D Animation

Taiwan's NMA TV has just released their somewhat graphic 3D animation of how Osama Bin Laden was killed:

UPDATE: Check out the NMA TV: Osama Bin Laden 3D Sequel

See also: Al Gore Sex Scandal Taiwan News Animation


US Government views on Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Via the Jeff Rense Program, here is how the US Government views the current nuclear disaster in Fukushima:

See also: ‘Rather nude than nuke’

UPDATE: Here is Obama's official statement:


New Episode: The Fuccon Family Returns Home

The Fuccon Family or "Oh Mikey!" started out as individual comedy segments on the Japanese late night variety show Vermilion Pleasure Night. This series featured a family of Americans living in metropolitan Tokyo and it became so popular that TV Tokyo featured it as a late Saturday night show. This "new" episode, which is filled with disturbing but very funny Japanese black humor, is entitled "The Fuccon Family Returns Home":

See also: Vermilion Pleasure Night: Cathy's House


1991 GE Tokyo Electric Power TV Commercial

GE Brings Good Things To Death

Here is how the current Fukushima Nuclear disaster was started by GE and Tokyo Electric Power back in 1991.

"When Tokyo Electric Power gave GE our largest export order ever, it gave Tokyo the largest, most efficient power plant of its kind in the world. Which means more jobs for our people back home and a better future for the people of Japan."

GE Brings Good Things To Death

See also: Fukushima: One of The Greatest Disasters Ever


Vermilion Pleasure Night: Cathy's House

Vermilion Pleasure Night was a popular late-night variety and comedy TV show broadcast on TV Tokyo in the latter half of 2000. One of the recurring segments included "Cathy's House" which featured four models within a very bizarre and funny "Barbie Doll" setting. Here is one episode entitled "Wonderful Day":

See also: 1994 Japanese TV Video Release: Love Hotel Etiquette


Hilarious Japanese Dog Understands Japanese!

Cameraguy:"MAME" Dog: "WAN"(loud)

Cameraguy: Is that the right way to bark? Dog: "WAN" (loud)

Cameraguy: Is that right? Dog: "Wan"

Cameraguy: Can you bark a bit quieter? Dog: "wan" (soft)

Cameraguy: How about much more, quieter? Dog: "wan" (softer)

Cameraguy: More cute? Dog: "wan" (very soft) ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

See also:

Funny Japanese TV Commercials for Softbank

Cooking With Dog: Japanese Cooking Videos

Japanese High Tech Nuclear Fashion

A few weeks ago, we first saw some Japanese Nuclear Fashion . Then we sighted the Sexy Japanese Nuclear Lingerie Fashion Line. Now we are seeing a much more advanced, cutting edge Japanese High Tech Nuclear Fashion:

Japanese High-Tech Nuclear Fashion

Be sure to see the video of Taiwan Girls Wearing Panties in Public!


AKBingo Japanese TV "Talent" Segment

Here is AKB48 in a recent segment from the AKBingo Japanese TV show. This part is from the "talent" segment of the show in which the girls, literally, put their heads together:

See also Young Eye Popping Japanese Bikini Girl!


Megwin TV: Muscle Training for Mr. Son

Via Megwin TV here is a funny segment entitled "Muscle training for Mr. Son":


See also: Japanese Muscle March Game Trailer

