
2nd Best Korea Brings Best Bowie Tribute

About a month ago after the second King of Rock and Roll passed away, a very highly talented, beautiful and ambitious musician from second best Korea named Luna Lee produced this truly incredible tribute to David Bowie. She played all the parts on the ancient Korean 6th century instrument known as the Gayageum:

You can see more of her popular videos here.

See also:

Korea's Web Damsel Chip-Chan Goes Outside?

Best Korea's Best Satellite Orbit Confirmed!


Virgin Mice Science Research In Japan

Via TomoNews.net

In a new study from Japan, results have shown that virgin mice preferred watching mice fight videos and receiving morphine injections rather than watching mice erotica and mice sniffing videos. The research was done by Japanese scientists Shigeru Watanabe from Keio University, Kazutaka Shinozuka with the RIKEN Brain Science Institute and Takefumi Kikusui from Azabu University and was published in the scientific journal "Animal Cognition."

Virgin mice prefer watching fight videos to sex... by tomonewsus

Although Japan does not have a big drug problem, this study may partly explain why violent anime is so popular in Japan and all over the world. It may also partially reveal why many young Japanese men and women are not interested in sex these days.

About this study, Barbara Kenig at the University of Zurich in Switzerland told New Scientist: "There is a debate over whether time spent with a specific cue is a good proxy for preference. Mice might just need longer to gain information on whether the objects signal any kind of danger."

See also:

A Comic Analysis of Showry For 'Science'

Japanese Reality vs Japanese Anime


The Vapors Were Right

Back in the amazing '80s The Vapors wrote this hit song "Turning Japanese":

Well they were right and we did it. But it would be hard to believe that this is what they had in mind:

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist


"I trust that many of you are familiar with the story of Peter Pan, in which it says, ‘the moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it’. Yes, what we need is a positive attitude and conviction." - Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda

OK Mr. Kuroda many people all over the globe would now be very happy to see you demonstrate your new superhuman ability by diving off the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi Tower and flying like Peter Pan on Monday morning live NHK news.

See more at Visual Capitalist

Edit: This is almost as good as last September's meltdown by US Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen when she either had a stroke or came to a sudden realization that her private organization is responsible for the destruction of the world economy:


Take Selfies With Japanese Geisha!

This just came in my mailbox and could be a first time ever event in Japan, but soon anyone (including professional weaboos and usually unwelcome gaijin and fellow Japanese commoners in Tokyo), can actually meet and take selfies with real otherworldly Japanese Geisha:

Via peatix.com

"This is a one of a kind opportunity to play games at a dinner party with Geisha and watch an authentic Geisha dance! (You can also take pictures with the Geisha and there will be people who can communicate in Japanese and English as well.)"

"Geisha are well-known to the world as a symbol of Japanese culture. They are skilled entertainers who bring joy to banquets through traditional Japanese performance arts such as song, dance and "shamisen" (long three stringed Japanese guitar played with a pick). However, even in Japan, Japanese people hardly have an opportunity to meet with real Geisha. Therefore, together with the principal of Bando Private School (a kimono school managed by Geisha in active service), we have planned a party where everyone can casually communicate with Geisha in Asakusa."

Needless to say, tickets are limited for this very unusual event and will probably go very quickly. More information is available here.


The Simpsons Invade China & Go Global

For decades, Japan's Hello Kitty icon has been the world's leading soft power fictional character seen across the globe and is now the centerpiece of the current worldwide "kawaii" sensation. And since 1974, Sanrio has made everything imaginable with some form of the world's cutest little white Japanese Bobtail cat with a red bow. Recently, Sanrio even made a Hello Chucky doll and it sold out in less than 48 hours.

But that is now about to be challenged by America's most lovable and comical family from the fictional town of Springfield - The Simpsons. On Friday 20th Century Fox announced that the world's first Simpsons store will open in Beijing, China in March with an additional store opening in Shanghai in June. Following that will be a global expansion of up to 100 stores. This announcement comes after The Simpsons were previously banned in 2006 for a controversial episode about Homer visiting China.

Here is a recent CNN News video on this development:

Could this be the proverbial last nail in the communist coffin? Maybe.

See also:

New Laowai Film: "This Is Sanlitan" Trailer

Because China "HFC Hitler Fried Citizens"

WTF Chinese Pedobear Sex Ed Nursery School"


Because Taiwan: The Church of The Glass Slipper

For centuries, Japan has religiously worshiped the steel phallus. And then, partly as a result of all of that hard work, in 2006 Kurara Chibana won the Miss Universe title in her famous Ninja High Heels.

So, not to be outdone by any of that, and in an effort to attract more female members to its congregation, we now have Taiwan's new wtf spectacular development of the church of the glass slipper now completed and about to open next month:

It is tempting to make fun of this, but since it is an actual church of some kind or another I will tread lightly as blasphemy will mean the eternal damnation of my sole. ;)


DPRK Female Soldiers in Uniforms & High Heels!


Mike Garson's Tribute to David Bowie

One of David Bowie's most consistent, most significant and important collaborators has been world renowned pianist and composer Mike Garson. He first started working with Bowie back in 1972 and continued all the way through to his last live performance in 2006. Earlier today he uploaded his new song entitled Tribute to David:

This song was originally written and recorded in 2011 by Mr. Garson for his Bowie Variations album but he has never performed it since then.

From Mike Garson's Facebook page:

"While the whole album was variations on David’s music, this one meant the most to me because I wrote it for him. It’s how I felt about David in musical terms. Though there’s no doubt I have more music for David coming, this is what I have to offer this morning. Please feel free to share this with others and respond with your memories, thoughts and feelings."

See more at Mike Garson's official website.

Related: David Bowie: "Look up here, I'm in Heaven"

David Bowie: "Look up here, I'm in Heaven"

From DavidBowie.com

"David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle with cancer. While many of you will share in this loss, we ask that you respect the family’s privacy during their time of grief."

In this song "Lazarus" he sings "Look up here, I'm in Heaven"

Quite a fitting stage exit from this world, indeed. RIP.

Note: The sold out off Broadway play Lazarus written By David Bowie & Enda Walsh continues through January 20th. Most likely it will be continued for a much longer run.

See all related previous posts here.


Live In Nagoya: "Crunch"

Here is an up and coming Japanese new wave pop group known as Crunch (Noriyo Hotta, vocals/guitar; Reina Kawagoe backing vocals/bass; Yoshiko Jinno drums) performing their short, airy and melancholy song entitled "Blue" live at K.D Japon:


I have been searching something in all my life, with hollow in my mind. I would be swallowed by the deepest blue as soon as looking into it

I always pretend to be not interested in, even if I expected to. apart from touch by anyone.

Are you kidding? Actually you are so wired.

It is so free as lonesome, beacuse I can decide anything. I have nostalgia for inconvenience caused by being with someone together.

In the city of night where many lights are together I used to be tearing at somewhere, it blinked, It's translucent days.

I was stranger there, Nothing left but to go home and sleep. It is same about a future I hope or a future you won't hope.

It is so free as lonesome, beacuse I can decide anything. I have nostalgia for inconvenience caused by being with someone together.

It is so free as lonesome, this feeling with transparency. I was waiting in sun shower, but that guys were in sunlight.

一生かかっても埋まらないから探し続けている  覗きこんだそばから吸い込まれそう どこまでも深い青

期待しててもいつも知らん顔 誰にも触れられないように 実は理不尽なのは君の方 まるで子供みたいに

寂しいくらいに自由に 何もかもを決められるから 誰かが居る不自由さを 今は懐かしく思うよ

無数の光の粒ひしめき合う夜の町の中で どこかで泣いてるあの頃瞬く 半透明な日々

良く知らない子たちと遊んだ あとは帰って眠るだけ 私の望む未来も きっと 君が望まない未来も

寂しいくらいに自由さ 何もかもを決められるなら 誰かが居る不自由さを 今は懐かしく思うよ

寂しいくらいに自由で 透き通るこの気持ち 天気雨の中を待っていた あの人は陽射しの中

Be sure to follow Crunch on Facebook and Twitter


Usotsuki Barbie - Live in Tokyo 10-01-08

Mass of the Fermenting Dregs Live Video

Kraftwerk Live in Tokyo @ NO NUKES


Showry's Sexy Demonstration Video

In this highly educational video, Korea's wild and sexy Showry - 쇼리 demonstrates how to apply natural makeup:

Be sure to see more of this very sassy entertainer's videos here. Hint: She's quickly taking over the internets.


North Korean English Porno Story

DPRK Female Soldiers in Uniforms & High Heels!

Korea's Web Damsel Chip-Chan Goes Outside?